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devel/Minilla-2.5.0 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
CPAN module authoring tool
Minilla is a CPAN module authoring tool. Minilla provides 'minil' command for authorizing a CPAN distribution. The repository created and managed by Minilla is git install ready, and cpan of course. Minilla is built on only few small libraries. You can install Minilla without a huge list of dependencies to heavy modules. Conventions: module written in Pure Perl are located in lib/; executable file is in script/ directory, if any; module is maintained with Git and git ls-files matches with what you will release; module has a static list of prerequisites that can be described in cpanfile; has a Changes file.
devel/Module-Dependency-1.86 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Collection of modules for examining dependencies
Module::Dependency - Collection of modules for examining dependencies between parents and children, like Perl files A set of pure-perl modules and helper programs that let you build a database of the dependency links between a collection of Perl files, and then query that database, even producing text, HTML, PostScript or graphical reports. The database in question is actually a simple Storable image of a Perl data structure, and you can create as many of these as you want. You can use the command-line tools, or write your own Perl to query and manipulate the data however you want.
devel/Set-ConsistentHash-0.92 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Library for doing consistent hashing
Consistent hashing is a scheme that provides hash table functionality in a way that the addition or removal of one slot does not significantly change the mapping of keys to slots. In contrast, in most traditional hash tables, a change in the number of array slots causes nearly all keys to be remapped. Consistent hashing was introduced in 1997 as a way of distributing requests among a changing population of web servers. More recently, it and similar techniques have been employed in distributed hash tables.
devel/Time-Period-1.20 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Perl module that contains code to deal with time periods
Period.pm is a Perl module that contains code to deal with time periods. Currently, there is only a function in this module. That function is called inPeriod(). inPeriod() determines if a given time is within a given time period. It will return 1 if it is, 0 if not, and -1 if either the time or the period passed to it were malformed. The time is specified in non-leap year seconds past January 1, 1970, as per the time() function. The period is a string which is of the form described in Period's man page.
devel/librelp-1.2.12 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Reliable event logging protocol library
librelp is an easy to use library for the RELP protocol. RELP in turn provides reliable event logging over the network (and consequently RELP stands for Reliable Event Logging Protocol). RELP (and hence) librelp assures that no message is lost, not even when connections break and a peer becomes unavailable. The current version of RELP has a minimal window of opportunity for message duplication after a session has been broken due to network problems. In this case, a few messages may be duplicated (a problem that also exists with plain TCP syslog). Future versions of RELP will address this shortcoming.
devel/WeakRef-0.01 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
API to the Perl weak references
A patch to Perl 5.005_55 by the author implements a core API for weak references. This module is a Perl-level interface to that API, allowing weak references to be created in Perl. A weak reference is just like an ordinary Perl reference except that it isn't included in the reference count of the thing referred to. This means that once all references to a particular piece of data are weak, the piece of data is freed and all the weak references are set to undef. This is particularly useful for implementing circular data structures without memory leaks or caches of objects.
devel/XML_Parser-1.3.6 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
PEAR XML parsing class based on PHP's bundled expat
This is an XML parser based on PHPs built-in xml extension. It supports two basic modes of operation: "func" and "event". In "func" mode, it will look for a function named after each element (xmltag_ELEMENT for start tags and xmltag_ELEMENT_ for end tags), and in "event" mode it uses a set of generic callbacks. Since version 1.2.0 there's a new XML_Parser_Simple class that makes parsing of most XML documents easier, by automatically providing a stack for the elements. Furthermore its now possible to split the parser from the handler object, so you do not have to extend XML_Parser anymore in order to parse a document with it.
devel/poslib-1.0.6 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Posadis C++ DNS library
Poslib is a portable C++ DNS library, a part of Posadis project. It consists of two parts: a client library and a server library. Using the client library, you can simply develop applications that use the Domain Name System (DNS). It includes many functions for resolving, domain-name manipulation and Resource Record (RR) creation. The server library, based on the client core, can be used to develop DNS servers. By implementing a query entry-point function using the Poslib library of functions, you can easily create DNS servers, without worrying about low-level details such as DNS message compilation, domain-name compression and UDP/TCP transmission.
devel/epsilon-0.7.1 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Set of Python utility modules used by DivMod projects
A small utility package that depends on tools too recent for Twisted (like datetime in python2.4) but performs generic enough functions that it can be used in projects that don't want to share Divmod's other projects' large footprint. Currently included: * A powerful date/time formatting and import/export class (ExtimeDotTime), for exchanging date and time information between all Python's various ways to interpret objects as times or time deltas. * Tools for managing concurrent asynchronous processes within Twisted. * A metaclass which helps you define classes with explicit states. * A featureful Version class. * A formal system for application of monkey-patches.
devel/traits-4.5.0 (Score: 2.0898995E-4)
Explicitly Typed Attributes for Python
The Traits project is at the center of all Enthought Tool Suite development and has changed the mental model used at Enthought for programming in the already extremely efficient Python programming language. The Traits project allows Python programmers to use a special kind of type definition called a trait, which gives object attributes some additional characteristics, such as Initialization, Validation, Delegation, Notification and Visualization. A class can freely mix trait-based attributes with normal Python attributes, or can opt to allow the use of only a fixed or open set of trait attributes within the class. Trait attributes defined by a classs are automatically inherited by any subclass derived from the class.