Ports 搜索

www/webkit-2.8.5 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Opensource browser engine using the GTK+ 3 toolkit
WebKitGTK+ is a full-featured port of the WebKit rendering engine, suitable for projects requiring any kind of web integration, from hybrid HTML/CSS applications to full-fledged web browsers. It offers WebKit's full functionality and is useful in a wide range of systems from desktop computers to embedded systems like phones, tablets, and televisions. WebKitGTK+ is made by a lively community of developers and designers, who hope to bring the web platform to everyone. It's the official web engine of the GNOME platform and is used in browsers such as Epiphany and Midori.
x11-wm/fvwm-crystal-3.0.6 (Score: 1.6188293E-4)
Easy, eye-candy, light, and powerful window manager for X11
This is a port of FVWM-Crystal. FVWM-Crystal aims to create an easy to use, eye-candy but also powerful desktop environment for Linux or other Unix-like operating systems. It uses following programs: FVWM as a window manager and "main core", ROX-Filer as file manager (manages icons on the desktop), xterm, aterm, mrxvt or urxvt as terminal emulators, MPD or XMMS as music players (there's built-in support for controlling these programs), and several other tools for different functions, like setting a wallpaper or making screen shots.
accessibility/jovie-4.14.3 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
KDE text-to-speech system
KTTS -- KDE Text-to-Speech -- is a subsystem within the KDE desktop for conversion of text to audible speech. KTTS is currently under development and aims to become the standard subsystem for all KDE applications to provide speech output.
arabic/ae_fonts1_ttf-1.1 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Collection of TrueType Arabic fonts
This port contains a collection of some of the most popular Arabic fonts created and used by the Arabic UNIX community. This truetype font set was developed at Arabeyes.
archivers/liborange-0.4 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Library to extract CAB files from self-extracting installers
Orange is a tool and library for squeezing out juicy installable Microsoft Cabinet Files from self-extracting installers for Microsoft Windows. Supported installers include VISE, InstallShield, Setup Factory and more.
archivers/deco-1.6.4 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Program to extract various archive file formats
Deco is a Un*x script able to extract various archive file formats. Supported archive formats: 7z, ace, ar, arc, arj, bz2, cab, cpio, deb, flac, gz, jar, lha, lzma, lzo, rar, rpm, tar, zip, zoo.
archivers/engrampa-1.12.0 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
Engrampa is an archive manager for the MATE environment. It is only a front-end (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar and zip. The supported file types are: * Tar archives uncompressed (.tar) or compressed with gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz), bzip (.tar.bz , .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z , .taz), lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar , .ear , .war) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Rar archives (.rar) * Single files compressed with gzip, bzip, bzip2, compress, lzop Engrampa also has a document viewer based on bonobo that lets you view files of any type for which you have a viewer. Former WinZip users may find this program useful. It serves the same purpose.
archivers/gcab-0.6 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
GObject library to create cabinet files
Gcab is a utility and library mainly made to create Cabinet files, using GObject/GIO API and provides GIR bindings. - creation supports plain and basic MSZIP compression - can open and list files from cabinet, no extraction
archivers/innoextract-1.6 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Program to extract Inno Setup files
Inno Setup is a tool to create installers for Microsoft Windows applications. innoextract allows to extract such installers under non-windows systems without running the actual installer using Wine.
archivers/file-roller-3.16.4 (Score: 1.5577191E-4)
Archive manager for zip files, tar, etc
File Roller is an archive manager for the GNOME environment. It is only a front-end (a graphical interface) to archiving programs like tar and zip. The supported file types are: * Tar archives uncompressed (.tar) or compressed with gzip (.tar.gz , .tgz), bzip (.tar.bz , .tbz), bzip2 (.tar.bz2 , .tbz2), compress (.tar.Z , .taz), lzop (.tar.lzo , .tzo) * Zip archives (.zip) * Jar archives (.jar , .ear , .war) * Lha archives (.lzh) * Rar archives (.rar) * Single files compressed with gzip, bzip, bzip2, compress, lzop File Roller also has a document viewer based on bonobo that lets you view files of any type for which you have a viewer. Former WinZip users may find this program useful. It serves the same purpose.