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Results 741750 of 1,385 for /security/.(0.003 seconds)
security/IO-Async-SSL-0.19 (Score: 0.08339406)
Use SSL/TLS with IO::Async
This module extends existing IO::Async classes with extra methods to allow the use of SSL or TLS-based connections using IO::Socket::SSL. It does not directly provide any methods or functions of its own. Primarily, it provides SSL_connect and SSL_listen, which yield IO::Socket::SSL-upgraded socket handles or IO::Async::SSLStream instances, and two forms of SSL_upgrade to upgrade an existing TCP connection to use SSL.
security/dradis-2.6.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
Opensource framework to enable effective information gathering
dradis is an open source framework to enable effective information sharing. dradis is a self-contained web application that provides a centralised repository of information to keep track of what has been done so far, and what is still ahead. Features include: * Easy report generation. * Support for attachments. * Integration with existing systems and tools through server plugins. * Platform independent.
security/Safe-Hole-0.13 (Score: 0.08339406)
Make a hole to the original main compartment in the Safe compartment
We can call outside defined subroutines from the Safe compartment using share(), and call methods through the object that is copied into the Safe compartment using varglob(). However, these subroutines and methods are still executed in the Safe compartment, so they cannot call other subroutines that are dynamically qualified with the package name, such as class methods. Through Safe::Hole, we can execute outside defined subroutines in the original main compartment from the Safe compartment.
security/Mcrypt- (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl extension for the Mcrypt cryptography library
The Mcrypt modules provides and simple and inuitive perl abstraction of the libmcrypt cryptography library. It provide mechanisms for encoding and decoding perl scalars.
security/Snort-Rule-1.07 (Score: 0.08339406)
Perl5 extension for dynamically building snort rules
This is a very simple snort rule object. It was developed to allow for scripted dynamic rule creation. Ideally you could dynamically take a list of bad hosts and build an array of snort rule objects from that list. Then write that list using the string() method to a snort rules file.
security/Module-Signature-0.80 (Score: 0.08339406)
Module signature file manipulation
Module::Signature adds cryptographic authentications to CPAN distributions, via the special SIGNATURE file. If you are a module user, all you have to do is to remember running "cpansign -v" (or just "cpansign") before issuing "perl Makefile.PL" or "perl Build.PL"; that will ensure the distribution has not been tampered with. For module authors, you'd want to add the SIGNATURE file to your MANIFEST, then type "cpansign -s" before making a distribution.
security/Net-OpenID-Common-1.20 (Score: 0.08339406)
Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and Net::OpenID::Server
Net::OpenID::Common - Libraries shared between Net::OpenID::Consumer and Net::OpenID::Server
security/Net-OpenID-JanRain-1.1.1 (Score: 0.08339406)
OpenID JanRain and Consumer with JanRain API
OpenID is a decentralized identity system, but one that's actually decentralized and doesn't entirely crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business. An OpenID identity is just a URL. You can have multiple identities in the same way you can have multiple URLs. All OpenID does is provide a way to prove that you own a URL (identity). Anybody can run their own site using OpenID, and anybody can be an OpenID server, and they all work with each other without having to register with or pay anybody to "get started". An owner of a URL can pick which OpenID server to use.
security/Net-OpenID-Server-1.09 (Score: 0.08339406)
Reference implementation of OpenID server
OpenID is a decentralized identity system, but one that's actually decentralized and doesn't entirely crumble if one company turns evil or goes out of business. An OpenID identity is just a URL. You can have multiple identities in the same way you can have multiple URLs. All OpenID does is provide a way to prove that you own a URL (identity). Anybody can run their own site using OpenID, and anybody can be an OpenID server, and they all work with each other without having to register with or pay anybody to "get started". An owner of a URL can pick which OpenID server to use.
security/Net-Radius-Server-1.116 (Score: 0.08339406)
Framework for RADIUS Servers
Net::Radius::Server provides an extensible framework to create RADIUS servers suitable for non-standard scenarios where authentication needs to consider multiple factors. The RADIUS responses may be created by arbitrarily complex rules that process the request packet as well as any external data accessible to Perl.