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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第10,63110,640项(搜索用时0.017秒)
textproc/Text-Balanced-2.03 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Extract delimited text sequences from strings
Text::Balanced - Extract delimited text sequences from strings. The various extract_... subroutines may be used to extract a delimited string (possibly after skipping a specified prefix string). The search for the string always begins at the current pos location of the string's variable (or at index zero, if no pos position is defined). -Anton
textproc/Text-Context-3.7 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Handle highlighting search result context snippets
Given a piece of text and some search terms, produces an object which locates the search terms in the message, extracts a reasonable-length string containing all the search terms, and optionally dumps the string out as HTML text with the search terms highlighted in bold.
textproc/Text-Diff-1.41 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Text::Diff - Perform diffs on files and record sets
Text::Diff provides a basic set of services akin to the diff(1) utility. It is not anywhere near as feature complete as diff(1), but it is better integrated with Perl and available on all platforms. It is often faster than shelling out to a system's diff(1) executable for small files, and generally slower on larger files. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
textproc/Text-Flow-0.01 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Flexible text flowing and word wrapping for not just ASCII output
This module provides a flexible way to wrap and flow text for both ASCII and non-ASCII outputs. The main purpose of this module is to provide text wrapping and flowing features without being tied down to ASCII based output and fixed-width fonts. My needs were for a more sophisticated text control in PDF and GIF output formats in particular.
textproc/Text-RecordParser-1.6.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Read record-oriented files
This module is for reading record-oriented data. The most common example have records separated by newlines and fields separated by commas or tabs, but this module aims to provide a consistent interface for handling sequential records in a file however they may be delimited.
textproc/WDDX-1.02 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Perl module to parse WDDX Packets
This is a module that parses WDDX packets. Which are well supported in Allaire Coldfusion, and pretty useful. This is from the WDDX.org web site: "The Web Distributed Data Exchange, or WDDX, is a free, open XML-based technology that allows Web applications created with any platform to easily exchange data with one another over the Web."
textproc/WWW-Google-SiteMap-1.10 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Perl extension for managing Google SiteMaps
The Sitemap Protocol allows you to inform search engine crawlers about URLs on your Web sites that are available for crawling. A Sitemap consists of a list of URLs and may also contain additional information about those URLs, such as when they were last modified, how frequently they change, etc.
textproc/XML-Parser-EasyTree-0.01 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Easier tree style for XML::Parser
XML::Parser::EasyTree adds a new "built-in" style called "EasyTree" to XML::Parser. Like XML::Parser's "Tree" style, setting this style causes the parser to build a lightweight tree structure representing the XML document. This structure is, at least in this author's opinion, easier to work with than the one created by the built-in style.
textproc/XML-Writer-0.625 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Simple Perl module for writing XML documents
XML::Writer is a simple Perl module for writing XML documents: it takes care of constructing markup and escaping data correctly, and by default, it also performs a significant amount of well-formedness checking on the output, to make certain (for example) that start and end tags match, that there is exactly one document element, and that there are not duplicate attribute names.
textproc/XML-SimpleObject-0.53 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
API for accessing the structure of an XML document
This is a small and simple package that takes the output of XML::Parser as a tree, and gives simple methods for accessing the structure of an XML document. It is very lightweight, but provides the simplest access to an XML document possible. It does not subclass XML::Parser; rather, it is meant to serve purely as an object struct for an outgoing tree.