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databases/db6-6.2.23 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Oracle Berkeley DB, revision 6.2
Oracle Berkeley DB is a family of open source embeddable databases that allows developers to incorporate within their applications a fast, scalable, transactional database engine with industrial grade reliability and availability. As a result, customers and end-users will experience an application that simply works, reliably manages data, can scale under extreme load, but requires no ongoing database administration. As a developer, you can focus on your application and be confident that Oracle Berkeley DB will manage your persistence needs. Note that Berkeley DB 6 changed license to the Affero GNU General Public License v3 (AGPL v3).
databases/jdb-1.14 (Score: 0.0034885632)
JDB manipulates flat-ASCII databases from shell scripts
JDB is a package of commands for manipulating flat-ASCII databases from shell scripts. JDB is useful to process medium amounts of data (with very little data you'd do it by hand, with megabytes you might want a real database). JDB is very good at doing things like: * extracting measurements from experimental output * re-examining data to address different hypotheses * joining data from different experiments * eliminating/detecting outliers * computing statistics on data (mean, confidence intervals, histograms, correlations) * reformatting data for graphing programs Rather than hand-code scripts to do each special case, JDB provides higher-level functions. JDB is built on flat-ASCII databases. By storing data in simple text files and processing it with pipelines it is easy to experiment (in the shell) and look at the output.
databases/oracle10g- (Score: 0.0034885632)
The JDBC drivers for Oracle 10g
This is a port of the JDBC driver which is used to access Oracle 10g databases using a database-independant API in Java for use with JDK 1.5.
databases/oracle11g- (Score: 0.0034885632)
JDBC drivers for Oracle 11g
This is a port of the JDBC driver which is used to access Oracle 11g databases using a database-independant API in Java for use with JDK 1.5.
Oracle 10 InstantClient SDK. Works with Oracle RDBMS 8.1.2+
Oracle instant client - Software Development Kit distribution Instant Client allows you to run your applications without installing the standard Oracle client or having an ORACLE_HOME. OCI, OCCI, ODBC, and JDBC applications work without modification, while using significantly less disk space than before. Even SQL*Plus can be used with Instant Client. No recompile, no hassle.
databases/mrtg-mysql-load-1.02 (Score: 0.0034885632)
MySQL load analysis fetcher for MRTG
mrtg-mysq-load is a small Perl script which is meant to be run by mrtg. It will fetch the total number of queries and slow queries handled by a mysql server.
databases/mysql-connector-java-5.1.39 (Score: 0.0034885632)
MySQL Connector/J: JDBC interface for MySQL
MySQL Connector/J is a native Java driver that converts JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) calls into the network protocol used by the MySQL database. It lets developers working with the Java programming language easily build programs and applets that interact with MySQL and connect all corporate data, even in a heterogeneous environment. MySQL Connector/J is a Type IV JDBC driver and has a complete JDBC feature set that supports the capabilities of MySQL. This port is derived from the original databases/mysql-jdbc-mm port of the mm.mysql JDBC connector by dglo@ssec.wisc.edu.
databases/mysql2odbc-0.99.2 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Openlink MySQL-ODBC Gateway
The MySQL-ODBC SDK enables you to make MySQL-specific applications database-independent without wholesale re-writes of your application code. Thus, applications that are written directly to the MySQL call level interface now end up being database independent via iODBC (or unixODBC), and usable against any ODBC accessible database (including MySQL).
databases/libpgeasy-3.0.4 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Easy-to-use C interface to PostgreSQL
Pgeasy is a PostgreSQL API that is a cleaner interface to the libpq library, more like an SQL 4GL interface. There are examples in share/examples/postgresql/libpqeasy and docs in share/doc/postgresql/libpqeasy
Oracle 10 32Bit Linux InstantClient basics for RDBMS 8.1.2+
Oracle instant client - basic distribution Instant Client allows you to run your applications without installing the standard Oracle client or having an ORACLE_HOME. OCI, OCCI, ODBC, and JDBC applications work without modification, while using significantly less disk space than before. Even SQL*Plus can be used with Instant Client. No recompile, no hassle.