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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第1,1211,130项(搜索用时0.006秒)
net/fspd- (Score: 0.010662938)
FSP daemon, clients, and scanner
This is a server daemon, port scanner and (optionally) clients for FSP, the File Service Protocol. FSP is lightweight and connectionless. It is typically used for offering files to "anonymous" visitors over a congested link. It uses UDP rather than TCP sockets. A service contact port (well-known port) for FSP has not been assigned by IANA (per RFC 1700). See <URL:http://www.faqs.org/faqs/fsp-faq/> for an overview. To use fspd, you must copy the fspd.conf.sample file, normally installed in /usr/local/etc/, to fspd.conf and edit it. You can run fspd from inetd or stand-alone.
net/spread4-4.2.0 (Score: 0.010662938)
Spread Group Communication System, a network toolkit
Copyright (c) 1993-2002 Spread Concepts LLC. All rights reserved. This product uses software developed by Spread Concepts LLC for use in the Spread toolkit. For more information about Spread see http://www.spread.org/ Spread is a toolkit and daemon that provide multicast and group communications support to applications across local and wide area networks. Spread is designed to make it easy to write groupware, networked multimedia, reliable server, and collaborative work applications. Spread consists of a library that user applications are linked with, a binary daemon which runs on each computer that is part of the processor group, and various utility and demonstration programs.
security/govpn-6.0 (Score: 0.010662938)
Simple secure, DPI-resistant VPN daemon
GoVPN is simple secure free software virtual private network daemon, aimed to be reviewable, secure, DPI/censorship-resistant, written on Go. It uses fast strong passphrase authenticated key agreement protocol with augmented zero-knowledge mutual peers authentication (PAKE DH A-EKE). Encrypted, authenticated data transport that hides message's length and timestamps. Optional encryptionless mode, that still preserves data confidentiality. Perfect forward secrecy property. Resistance to: offline dictionary attacks, replay attacks, client's passphrases compromising and dictionary attacks on the server side. Built-in heartbeating, rehandshaking, real-time statistics. Ability to work through UDP, TCP and HTTP proxies. IPv4/IPv6-compatibility.
security/spybye-0.3 (Score: 0.010662938)
Web proxy to detect malware
SpyBye is a tool to help web masters determine if their web pages are hosting browser exploits that can infect visiting users with malware. It functions as an HTTP proxy server and intercepts all browser requests. SpyBye uses a few simple rules to determine if embedded links on your web page are harmlesss, unknown or maybe even dangerous. SpyBye analyzes all downloads in the background and provides you with a warning notification whenever it encounters content that is potentially malicious. At that point, you can click on the link in the notification and receive a more detailed analysis of the web page.
textproc/htdig-3.2.0.b6 (Score: 0.010662938)
WWW indexing and searching system
The ht://Dig system is a complete world wide web indexing and searching system for a domain or intranet. This system is not meant to replace the need for powerful internet-wide search systems like Yahoo! or Google. Instead it is meant to cover the needs for a single company, campus, or even a sub section of a web site. As opposed to some WAIS-based or web-server based search engines, ht://Dig can span many web servers as long as they all understand the HTTP 1.0 protocol.
www/anyremote2html-1.4 (Score: 0.010662938)
Web interface for anyRemote
anyremote2html package is a WEB interface for anyRemote. It acts as HTTP server and translates anyRemote commands to HTML. The overall goal of this project is to provide remote control service on Linux through Bluetooth, InfraRed, Wi-Fi or just TCP/IP connection. anyRemote supports wide range of modern cell phones like Nokia, SonyEricsson, Motorola and others. It was developed as thin communication layer between Bluetooth (or IR, Wi-Fi) capabled phone and UNIX, and in principle could be configured to manage almost any software.
www/kallithea-0.3.2 (Score: 0.01063668)
Fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git
Kallithea is a fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial and Git with a built-in push/pull server, full text search and code-review. It works on http/https and has a built in permission/authentication system with the ability to authenticate via LDAP or ActiveDirectory. Kallithea also provides simple API so it's easy to integrate with existing external systems. Kallithea is similar in some respects to GitHub or Bitbucket, however Kallithea can be run as standalone hosted application on your own server. It is open-source donationware and focuses more on providing a customised, self-administered interface for Mercurial and Git repositories. Kallithea works on Unix-like systems and Windows, and is powered by the vcs library created by Lukasz Balcerzak and Marcin Kuzminski to uniformly handle multiple version control systems. Kallithea was forked from RhodeCode in July 2014 and has been heavily modified.
www/mod_log_sql-1.101 (Score: 0.010593288)
Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
This add-on module allows the apache web server to use a MySQL database for logging of all operations.
www/mod_log_sql-1.101 (Score: 0.010593288)
Allows Apache to log to a MySQL database
This add-on module allows the apache web server to use a MySQL database for logging of all operations.
net/pfinger-0.7.10 (Score: 0.010525827)
Highly configurable, secure, and portable finger daemon
PFinger consists of server and client for the standard finger service. The PFinger server is a replacement for the standard Unix finger server. It also implements the pip-protocol which could become the finger v2 protocol. Its advantage over existing finger servers like GNU Finger or similar enhanced Finger servers are its configurability, compatibility and security (e.g. the server does not run as root). The Pfinger client can be used for several tasks: First it provides an easy way to edit the information the PFinger Server gives out about you. Then it can be used as graphical version of the standard finger client to monitor who is online.