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Generate and validate unique tokens across HTTP requests (anti-CSRF)
This controller automatically generates and validates unique tokens across multiple HTTP requests (form submits). You can use it to prevent duplicate submits, or to protect against CSRF attacks.
www/Catalyst-Devel-1.39 (Score: 0.020137845)
Catalyst Development Tools
The "Catalyst::Devel" package includes a variety of modules useful for the development of Catalyst applications, but not required to run them. This is intended to make it easier to deploy Catalyst apps. The runtime parts of Catalyst are now known as "Catalyst::Runtime". "Catalyst::Devel" includes the Catalyst::Helper system, which autogenerates scripts and tests; Module::Install::Catalyst, a Module::Install extension for Catalyst; and requirements for a variety of development-related modules. The documentation remains with Catalyst::Runtime.
Regex DispatchType
Regex dispatch types have been depreciated and removed from Catalyst core. It is recommend that you use Chained methods or other techniques instead. As part of the refactoring, the dispatch priority of Regex vs Regexp vs LocalRegex vs LocalRegexp may have changed. Priority is now influenced by when the dispatch type is first seen in your application.
www/CGI-FastTemplate-1.09 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl module for manage templates and parses templates
CGI::FastTemplate manages templates and parses templates replacing variable names with values. It was designed for mid to large scale web applications (CGI, mod_perl) where there are great benefits to separating the logic of an application from the specific implementation details.
www/Catalyst-Engine-Apache-1.16 (Score: 0.020137845)
Catalyst Apache Engines
Catalyst::Engine::Apache - Catalyst Apache Engines These classes provide mod_perl support for Catalyst.
www/Catalyst-Engine-HTTP-Prefork-0.51 (Score: 0.020137845)
High-performance pre-forking Catalyst engine
This engine is designed to run as a standalone Catalyst server, without requiring the use of another web server. It's goals are high-performance, HTTP/1.1 compliance, and robustness. It is also suitable for use as a faster development server with support for automatic restarting.
www/Catalyst-Engine-PSGI-0.14 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl extension of PSGI engine for Catalyst
PSGI engine for Catalyst.
www/CGI-Minimal-1.29 (Score: 0.020137845)
Extremely lightweight CGI processing package
An _extremely_ lightweight CGI processing package provides _minimum_ functions needed such as form decoding (including file upload forms), URL encoding and decoding, HTTP usable date generation (RFC1123 compliant dates) and basic escaping and unescaping of HTMLized text.
www/CGI-PSGI-0.15 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl extension to enable CGI.pm applications to adapt PSGI
Enable your CGI.pm aware applications to adapt PSGI protocol.
www/Catalyst-Enzyme-0.11 (Score: 0.020137845)
CRUD framework for Catalyst
Catalyst::Enzyme is a layer on top of the Catalyst framework providing CRUD functionality for Class::DBI models. Enzyme uses convention and configuration to provide e.g. extensible CRUD out-of-the-box, and a common way of dealing with error handling etc. It's not completely unlike Maypole in this regard. However, at this point Enzyme isn't as feature-rich as Maypole. Enzyme is one way of bringing many Catalyst modules and concepts together into a unified whole. There are other ways to do this (obviously. This is, like... uh, Perl).