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Converts account names to email address based on a flat-file database
This module is a filter for SVN::Notify that translates user account names (e.g. "user1") into email addresses. It does this based on a colon-separated file, like a UNIX passwd file (or more usefully) the AuthUserFile used by Apache. The file path is specified via the --account_file option to the svnnotify script, and the index (zero-based) of the email field is specified via the --account_field option.
devel/SVN-Notify-Filter-Markdown-0.05 (Score: 0.032514982)
Perl module to convert SVN::Notify log messages from Markdown to HTML
This Perl module converts SVN::Notify log messages from Markdown format to HTML.
devel/System2-0.84 (Score: 0.032514982)
System2 - like system(), but with STDERR available as well
Execute a command, and returns output from STDOUT and STDERR. Much like system(). $? is set. (Much cheaper than using open3() to get the same info.) If $debug is set, on-the fly diagnostics will be reported about how much data is being read.
devel/SVN-Notify-Filter-Watchers-0.10 (Score: 0.032514982)
Subscribe to SVN::Notify commits with a Subversion property
This Perl module implements a Subversion property to control SVN::Notify commit message subscriptions.
devel/SVN-Notify-Mirror-0.040 (Score: 0.032514982)
Keep a mirrored working copy of a repository path
This Perl module keeps a directory in sync with a portion of a Subversion repository. This is typically used to keep a development web server in sync with the changes made to the repository. This directory can either be on the same box as the repository itself, or it can be remote.
devel/SVN-Notify-2.86 (Score: 0.032514982)
Subversion activity notification
This class may be used for sending email messages for Subversion repos- itory activity. There are a number of different modes supported, and SVN::Notify is fully subclassable, to easily add new functionality. By default, a list of all the files affected by the commit will be assem- bled and listed in a single message. An additional option allows diffs to be calculated for the changes and either appended to the message or added as an attachment.
devel/SVN-Notify-Snapshot-0.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Take snapshots from Subversion activity
This Perl module produces snapshots of a Subversion repository path. Typically used as part of a postcommit script, it will automatically create a .tar.gz file for every commit to a specified path.
devel/SVN-S4-1.056 (Score: 0.032514982)
Wrapper for subversion program
S4 provides a wrapper to subversion that extends several of the commands (for example, "fixprop", "scrub", "snapshot"). It understands all svn commands; you may simply use "s4" wherever you would normally type "svn".
devel/Taint-Util-0.08 (Score: 0.032514982)
Test for and flip the taint flag without regex matches or eval
Taint::Util wraps perl's internal routines for checking and setting the taint flag and thus does not rely on regular expressions for untainting or odd tricks involving eval and kill for checking whether data is tainted, instead it checks and flips a flag on the scalar in-place.
devel/Task-Tiny-0.002 (Score: 0.032514982)
Install a lightweight development environment
Task::Tiny may be used to install a selection of tiny Perl extensions from CPAN.