Ports 搜索

devel/Tie-File-AsHash-0.08 (Score: 0.001157285)
Access the lines of a disk file via a Perl hash
Tie::File::AsHash represents a regular text file as a Perl hash. Each key/value pair in the hash corresponds to a record in the file. Changes to the hash are reflected in the file immediately.
news/papercut-0.9.13 (Score: 0.001157285)
Papercut is a news server written in Python, using a MySQL backend
Papercut is a news server written in 100% pure Python. It designed to be use as backend for PHP, or to be run on a small network. Messages can be stored in a MySQL database. It doesn't support feeding.
sysutils/cdeploy-0.2.1 (Score: 0.001157285)
Deploy a set of configuration files to a target file system
This is a port of the cdeploy utility, a tool which can be used to deploy a directory sub-tree into another directory tree. cdeploy is currently maintained by the RootForum.org community.
x11-toolkits/Xbae-4.60.4 (Score: 0.0011561577)
Motif-based widget which displays a grid of cells as a spreadsheet
The XbaeMatrix is a Motif-based widget which displays a grid of cells in the same manner as a spreadsheet. The cell array is scrollable, editable, and otherwise reasonably configurable in appearance. Each cell usually displays text, but pixmaps can also be displayed (not editeable). The XbaeMatrix looks to some extent like a grid of XmTextField widgets, but is actually implemented with a single XmTextField. This means a big performance improvement due to less overhead.
comms/remserial-1.4 (Score: 0.0011550189)
Bridge between a TCP/IP network port and a character-oriented device
Remserial acts as a communications bridge between a TCP/IP network port and a device such as a serial port. Any character-oriented /dev device will work. The program can operate as a server accepting network connections from other machines, or as a client, connecting to remote machine that is running the remserial program or some other program that accepts a raw network connection. The network connection passes data as-is, there is no control protocol over the network socket. Multiple copies of the program can run on the same computer at the same time assuming each is using a different network port and device.
mail/mailsync-5.2.1 (Score: 0.0011550189)
Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized
Mailsync is a way of keeping a collection of mailboxes synchronized. The mailboxes may be on the local filesystem or on an IMAP server.
games/help_hannahs_horse-1.0 (Score: 0.0011543124)
Pacman with a fast food twist
An arcade game best described as a cross between pacman and fastfood. Collect the pills and carrots while avoiding the ghosts! Cute and colourful! Basically, it's pacman with a fast food twist. You have to get the pills, pacman style, while also collecting the carrots that move around the mazes. There are also different styles of gates to make things trickier. These are: * Red and White - only the ghosts can cross them * Blue and White - only hannah can cross them * Wooden gates - both hannah and the ghosts can cross, but only passing from below to above * Red prison door things - need hannah to get the red key to open There are some command line switches you can use: -fullscreen will put the game in fullscreen mode -map X will start the game on level X
net/rabbiter-2.0.1 (Score: 0.0011543124)
Rabbiter is a twitter client for Rabbit
Rabbiter is a tool that collects tweets related to the talk and sends them to Rabbit as comments. In public conference such as RubyKaigi, audiences tweet comments about the listening talk to Twitter. To show the comments to your slide showed by Rabbit, you can use Rabbiter. If you have room to breathe, you can reply to the comments to reflect audiences' opinions. An audience can listen your talk with some different points of view because an audience can know other's comments. Note that you have a risk that audiences are interested in audiences' comments rather than your talk. You should ready your talk to make very interesting talk rather than audiences' comments.
security/Crypt-License-2.04 (Score: 0.0011543124)
Perl extension to examine a license
Crypt::License decodes an encrypted file and attempts to decrypt it by first, looking for a hash pointer in the caller program called $ptr2_License. The hash contains the path to the License file and an optional 'private' key list of modules which will decrypt only with the 'private' key. OR, a hash key of 'next' with no particular value that indicates to look to the next caller on the stack for the License pointer. If the pointer is not present or the License file is not found successfully, then no further action is taken. If the License file is successfully opened, and the contents validated then the attached encrypted module is loaded and the seconds remaining until License expiration are returned or now() in the case of no expiration. Undef is returned for an expired license (module fails to load).
textproc/XML-LibXML-PrettyPrint-0.006 (Score: 0.0011543124)
Add pleasant whitespace to a DOM tree
Long XML files can be daunting for humans to read. Of course, XML is really designed for computers to read - not people - but there are times when mere mortals do need to read and edit XML by hand. For example, if your application stores its configuration in XML, or you need to dump some XML to STDOUT for debugging purposes. Syntax highlighting helps, but to really make sense of some XML, proper indentation can be vital. Hence XML::LibXML::PrettyPrint - it can be applied to an XML::LibXML DOM tree to reformat it into a more readable result. Pretty-printing XML is not as CPU-efficient as dumping it out sloppily, so unless you're pretty sure that a human is going to need to make sense of your XML, you should probably not use this module.