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misc/xtail-2.1 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Watches the growth of files or directories
"xtail" watches the growth of files. It's like running a "tail -f" on a bunch of files at once. You can specify both filenames and directories on the command line. If you specify a directory, it watches all the files in that directory. It will notice when new files are created (and start watching them) or when old files are deleted (and stop watching them). This program is an oldie but goodie. It was posted to comp.sources.misc in July 1989 (see ftp.uu.net:/usenet/comp.sources.misc/volume7/xtail.Z). I remember posting an even earlier version to alt.sources. It has been published in the O'Reilly & Associates "Unix Power Tools" collection (book and CD-ROM). Over the years, some fly-by-night organizations (such as the MIT X Consortium and SGI) have tried to steal the "xtail" name. Don't be fooled! Insist on the original.
net-mgmt/Net-IP-Match-Regexp-1.01 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Efficiently match IP addresses against IP ranges via regexp
Net::IP::Match::Regexp allows you to check an IP address against one or more IP ranges. It employs Perl's highly optimized regular expression engine to do the hard work, so it is very fast. It is optimized for speed by doing the match against a regexp which implicitly checks the broadest IP ranges first. An advantage is that the regexp can be computed and stored in advance (in source code, in a database table, etc) and reused, saving much time if the IP ranges don't change too often. The match can optionally report a value (e.g. a network name) instead of just a boolean, which makes module useful for mapping IP ranges to names or codes or anything else.
net-mgmt/rrdbot-0.9.7 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Threaded SNMP polling daemon which stores data in RRDs
RRDBot is an SNMP polling daemon which writes the polled values to an RRD database. It can poll many different SNMP sources in an efficient manner. It has no large external dependencies, and its configuration is stored in text files. It has full support for MIB definition files and using textual MIBs instead of numerical OIDs. A nice feature is the querying of SNMP tables without using a specific index. Indexes of the rows in an SNMP table may change from time to time, and are less than ideal for long term tracking of a given value. For example RRDBot can query the traffic on your router based on the 'xl0' interface name. RRDBot also contains tools to simplify the creation of RRD files, and the various archives contained in them.
net-mgmt/xymon-4.3.27 (Score: 0.0031188247)
System for monitoring servers and networks - Client
Xymon is a system for monitoring servers and networks. It has a great deal of inspiration from the Big Brother monitor, but unlike Big Brother it is designed to work well whether you need to monitor small network with just a handful of hosts, or large networks with thousands of hosts. Xymon is the successor to the bbgen toolkit, which has been available as an add-on to Big Brother since late 2002. The name change was decided upon when Xymon acquired enough functionality to be a stand-alone product. The tools that formed the bbgen toolkit are still present in Xymon and are quite important for it, so if you have used bbgen before, Xymon will seem quite familiar. This is the client. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
net-mgmt/xymon-4.3.27 (Score: 0.0031188247)
System for monitoring servers and networks
Xymon is a system for monitoring servers and networks. It has a great deal of inspiration from the Big Brother monitor, but unlike Big Brother it is designed to work well whether you need to monitor small network with just a handful of hosts, or large networks with thousands of hosts. Xymon is the successor to the bbgen toolkit, which has been available as an add-on to Big Brother since late 2002. The name change was decided upon when Xymon acquired enough functionality to be a stand-alone product. The tools that formed the bbgen toolkit are still present in Xymon and are quite important for it, so if you have used bbgen before, Xymon will seem quite familiar. This is the server. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
net-p2p/torrentcheck-1.00 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Command-line torrent viewer and hash checker
This program is a command-line utility to catalog and verify torrent files. Run with only the -t option, it displays the metadata, name, and size of each file in the torrent. Run with the -t and -p options, it computes the hashes of all files in the torrent, compares them against the hashes stored in the metadata, and warns of any errors. Torrentcheck also verifies the length of each file, and flags an error if the length is wrong even if the hash codes match. It is designed to handle files over 4GB on a 32-bit machine. If torrentcheck returns "torrent is good" at the end of its output, every byte of every file in the torrent is present and correct, to a high degree of certainty (as explained in the README file).
net/ssvnc-1.0.29 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Enhanced TightVNC Viewer (SSVNC: SSL/SSH VNC viewer)
The Enhanced TightVNC Viewer package started as a project to add some patches to the long neglected Unix TightVNC Viewer. However, now the front-end GUI and wrapper scripts features dwarf the Unix TightVNC Viewer patches (see the lists below). It adds a GUI for Windows, Mac OS X, and Unix that automatically starts up STUNNEL SSL tunnel for SSL or SSH connections to x11vnc, and then launches the TightVNC Viewer to use the tunnel. It also enables SSL encrypted VNC connections to any other VNC Server running an SSL tunnel, such as STUNNEL, at their end. It can be used to perform SSH tunnelled connections to any VNC Server as well. The tool has many additional features (see below for a list). The short name for this project is "ssvnc" for SSL/SSH VNC Viewer.
net/IP-Country-2.28 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Fast lookup of country codes from IP addresses
Finding the home country of a client using only the IP address can be difficult. Looking up the domain name associated with that address can provide some help, but many IP address are not reverse mapped to any useful domain, and the most common domain (.com) offers no help when looking for country. This module comes bundled with a database of countries where various IP addresses have been assigned. Although the country of assignment will probably be the country associated with a large ISP rather than the client herself, this is probably good enough for most log analysis applications, and under test has proved to be as accurate as reverse-DNS and WHOIS lookup.
net/serveez-0.2.2 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Server framework
Serveez is a server framework. It provides routines and help for implementing IP based servers (currently TCP, UDP and ICMP). It is also possible to use named pipes for all connection oriented protocols. We think it is worth the effort because many people need server functionality within their applications. However, many people experience problems with select()- or poll()-loops, and with non-blocking operations. This application demonstrates various aspects of advanced network programming in a portable manner. You can use it for implementing your own servers or for understanding how certain network services and operations work. The package includes a number of servers that work already: an HTTP server, an IRC server, a Gnutella spider and some others. One of the highlights is that you can run all protocols on the same port. The application itself is single threaded but it uses helper processes for concurrent name resolution and ident lookups.
net/serviio-1.7 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Transcoding DLNA-server implemented in Java
Serviio is a free DLNA media server. It allows you to stream your media files (music, video or images) to any DLNA-certified renderer device (e.g. a TV set, Bluray player, games console) on your home network. Serviio uses a priority-based metadata extraction so that you can choose what metadata should describe your media files (e.g. audio track name, DVD cover, TV series and episodes names, etc.). These include metadata embedded into the media files themselves, locally stored metadata files and metadata that can be obtained online. With this powerful tool you will be able to build your Serviio media library easily and effectively. Serviio works with any DLNA compliant device (TV, Playstation 3, etc.) and some other (XBox 360). It supports profiles for particular devices so that it can be tuned to maximise the device's potential and/or minimize lack of media format playback support (via transcoding).