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games/ptools-1.1 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Accessory programs for pMARS (Core War simulator)
PTools version 1.1. This is a collection of utility programs for the game of Core War. The programs in this archive work well with the pMARS system, but most programs will also work with other simulators. Below is an overview of what we have: * mts - Short for "MARS Tournament Scheduler". * mopt - The "multiple optimizer" calculates optimal sets of constants for warriors. * pname - pname renames warrior files based on the ;name line. These additional tools have been included in the port but are not part of the original ptools package: * p3-2 - For generating p^3 redcode snippets. * corestep - For finding optimal step constants (similar to mopt). Note that the port prefixes all of these programs with "ptools-" to avoid conflicts and/or confusions with other ports.
graphics/devil-1.7.8 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Full featured cross-platform image library
Developer's Image Library (DevIL) is a programmer's library to develop applications with very powerful image loading capabilities, yet is easy for a developer to learn and use. Ultimate control of images is left to the developer, so unnecessary conversions, etc. are not performed. DevIL utilizes a simple, yet powerful, syntax. DevIL can load, save, convert, manipulate, filter and display a wide variety of image formats. Currently, DevIL can load and save many different image formats. DevIL currently supports the following APIs for display: OpenGL, Windows GDI, SDL, DirectX and Allegro. Compilers that can compile DevIL or use it include Djgpp, MSVC++, gcc, Delphi, Visual Basic, Power Basic and Dev-C++. Many people may have known DevIL as OpenIL, but the name was changed due to SGI's request.
graphics/pqiv-2.6 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Pretty Quick Image Viewer
Originally, PQIV was written as a drop-in replacement for QIV. The first release was not more than a Python script, hence the name. Now, PQIV is a (modulo some small extras) full featured clone of QIV written in C using GTK-2 and GLIB-2. Features include: * Command line image viewer * Directory traversing to view whole directories * Watch files and directories for changes * Natural order sorting of the images * A status bar showing information on the current image * Transparency and animation support * Moving, zooming, rotation, flipping * Slideshows * Highly customizable * Supports external image filters (e.g. convert) * Preloads the next image in the background * Fade between images * Optional PDF/eps/ps support (useful e.g. for scientific plots) * Optional video format support (e.g. for webm animations)
graphics/springgraph-0.88 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Render graph described in a .dot file
Springgraph will read in a .dot file description of a graph, which, for each node, specifies its name and which other nodes it is connected to, and then renders a graph. Each node is drawn as an ellipse, and each connection is drawn as an arrow. The node placement is a result of all of the nodes moving away from each other, while all nodes which are connected move toward each other. This movement is repeated until it stabilizes. Springgraph was written as an alternative to neato, which is part of graphviz. It attempts to read the same .dot files used by graphviz, but currently only supports a limited number of node attributes (label and fillcolor). I am open to requests for support for more graph/node/edge attributes.
lang/adacontrol-1.17r3 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Tool for detecting use or non-use of specific Ada constructs
AdaControl is a free (GMGPL) tool that detects the use of various kinds of constructs in Ada programs. Its first goal is to control proper usage of style or programming rules, but it can also be used as a powerful tool to search for use (or non-use) of various forms of programming styles or design patterns. Searched elements range from very simple, like the occurrence of certain entities, declarations, or statements, to very sophisticated, like verifying that certain programming patterns are being obeyed.. Which elements or constructs are searched is defined by a set of rules; the following table gives a short summary of rules currently checked by AdaControl. The number in parentheses after the rule name gives the number of subrules, if any. Considering all possible rules and subrules, this makes 452 tests that can be performed currently by AdaControl!
math/apc-1.0 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Xforms based Auto Payment Calculator
the Auto Payment Calculator V1.0 Release Copyright (C) 1997 Eric A. Griff Auto Payment Calculator is a simple, xforms based, application for use under the X-windows system, that calculates auto loan payments. It is pretty straight forward. You enter the Principal (Amount), Term (in months), and Rate, and then with either [RETURN] (or [enter] or whatever your keyboard equivelent is), (ALT-C), or clicking the calculate button; you will have the payment in months, as well as number of weeks, and weekly payment. You may also [TAB] through the Amount, Term, and Rate, as well as hold down ALT and press the character in its Name that is underlined to go do that function. As long as all three are filled in, you may hit [ENTER] to Calculate right there. This makes it easy to cycle quickly through numerous terms, amounts, and rates.
math/ngraph-6.3.54 (Score: 0.0031188247)
XY plotting tool for students, scientists, and engineers
Ngraph is prepared to plot 2-dimensional graph for students, scientists and engineers. The program reads numerical data from general ASCII text files, and plot to graph. ** Tips ** - This program support Kanji font. If you want to use it, please set environment variable LANG to ja_JP.EUC. (cf, under csh/tcsh) % setenv LANG ja_JP.EUC and you need.... - kinput2 - X True Type or X True Type Font server[best], or kanji18 and kanji26 fonts, these fonts are in below ports[better], - ja-ngraph-fonts (japanese/ngraph-fonts) - ja-kanji18 (japanese/kanji18) - ja-kanji26 (japanese/kanji26) or to change font name in Ngraph.ini as below[poor]. font_map=Mincho,1,-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-*-75-75-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0 font_map=Gothic,1,-*-fixed-medium-r-normal--*-*-75-75-c-*-jisx0208.1983-0 - You can get documentation in Japanese from below URL. ** Acknowledgements to this ports file ** Special thanks to: Satoshi Ishizaka <isizaka@msa.biglobe.ne.jp> Nobuhiro Yasutomi <nobu@rd.isac.co.jp>
misc/orville-write-2.55 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Advanced replacement for write/mesg
This implementation of the Unix write program adds many nice features while remaining close to the standard Unix program in spirit. It has been heavily used on M-Net since 1985 and on Grex since 1991, as well as a few other systems. It is a ground-up reimplementation using no proprietary code. It's available under a Berkeley-style license (no charge, no restriction on commercial use, just don't take my name off of it). The current version is fairly portable. Orville write was written for use on M-Net and Grex, both public access Unix systems in Ann Arbor. As such, many of the features are designed to support a system featuring a delicate mix of novice users and hostile pranksters, plus a lot of people who just want to talk. It's user interface is pretty much identical to the normal write program, but it offers many extensions and improvements.
misc/pfm-2.12.3 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Terminal (curses)-based file manager written in Perl
pfm is a terminal (curses)-based file manager written in Perl, based on the PFM.COM for MS-DOS (originally by Paul Culley and Henk de Heer). Permission to use the original name was kindly granted by the original authors. Some of its features: * Commands are invoked with only one or two keypresses * Colored filenames according to extension or type * Support for executing user-defined commands (including wildcards) with only two keystrokes * A single-file and multiple-file mode * Multilevel sorting * Use of oldmarks and newmarks for executing multiple commands on the same group of files * Supports bookmarks for directories * Highly configurable through its config file * Supports commandline history and completion through use of the GNU readline library * Integration with versioning tools like Subversion, CVS, Bazaar, Mercurial, and Git
misc/team-3.1 (Score: 0.0031188247)
Portable multi-buffered tape streaming utility
Submitted-By: pcg@aber.ac.uk (Piercarlo Grandi) Posting-Number: Volume 27, Issue 195 Archive-Name: team/part01 There exist a few filters that help tapes streams by buffering IO and allowing reads to overlaps with writes under Unix. Most of these filters rely on relatively unportable features, for example SYSV like shared memory. team is a filter that runs essentially unchanged on any Unix version, as it relies only on features present in V7. A number of team processes (team members) share a common input fd and a common output fd, and they take turns at reading from the former and writing to the latter; they synchronize by using a ring of pipes between them, where a "read-enable" and a "write-enable" token circulate. The team source is GPL'ed, and it comes with no warranty.