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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第9,7519,760项(搜索用时0.01秒)
devel/mono-addins-1.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Mono framework to create extensible applications
Mono.Addins is a framework for creating extensible applications, and for creating libraries which extend those applications. Mono.Addins has been designed to be easy to use and useful for a wide range of applications: from simple applications with small extensibility needs, to complex applications which need support for large add-in structures.
devel/var-1.1.3 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Flexible, full-featured, and fast variable expansion library
OSSP var is a flexible, full-featured and fast variable construct expansion library. It supports a configurable variable construct syntax very similar to the style found in many scripting languages (like @name, ${name}, , etc.) and provides both simple scalar (${name}) and array (${name[index]}) expansion, plus optionally one or more post-operations on the expanded value (${name:op:op...}).
devel/App-GitGot-1.333 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Tool to make it easier to manage multiple git repositories
got is a script to make it easier to manage all the version controlled repositories you have on all the computers you use. It can operate on all, some, or just one repo at a time, to both check the status of the repo (up to date, pending changes, dirty, etc.) and sync it with any upstream master.
devel/App-Control-1.02 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Apachectl style control of another script or executable
App::Control is a simple module to replicate the kind of functionality you get with apachectl to control apache, but for any script or executable. There is a very simple OO interface, where the constructor is used to specify the executable, command line arguments, and pidfile, and various methods (start, stop, etc.) are used to control the executable in the obvious way.
devel/Ice-3.6.2 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Modern alternative to object middleware such as CORBA/COM/DCOM/COM+
The Internet Communications Engine (Ice) is a modern alternative to object middleware such as CORBA(TM) or COM/DCOM/COM+. Ice is easy to learn, yet provides a powerful network infrastructure for demanding technical applications. Ice shines where technologies such as SOAP or XML-RPC are too slow, or do not provide sufficient scalability or security.
devel/App-Info-0.57 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Interface for providing metadata about installed software packages
App::Info provides a generalized interface for providing metadata about software packages installed on a system. The idea is that App::Info subclasses can be used in Perl application installers in order to determine whether software dependencies have been fulfilled, and to get necessary metadata about those software packages.
devel/Array-Window-1.02 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
Many applications require that a large set of results be broken down into a smaller set of 'windows', or 'pages' in web language. Array::Window implements an algorithm specifically for dealing with these windows. It is very flexible and permissive, making adjustments to the window as needed.
devel/Bread-Board-Declare-0.16 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Create Bread::Board containers as normal Moose objects
Bread::Board::Declare is a Moose extension which allows for declaring Bread::Board container classes in a more straightforward and natural way. It sets up Bread::Board::Container as the superclass, and creates services associated with each attribute that you create.
devel/Badger-0.09 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
Perl Application Programming Toolkit
The Badger toolkit is a collection of Perl modules designed to simplify the process of building object-oriented Perl applications. It provides a set of foundation classes upon which you can quickly build robust and reliable systems that are simple, sexy and scalable.
devel/CPANPLUS-Dist-Build-0.80 (Score: 1.3121418E-4)
CPANPLUS plug-in to use Module-Build
CPANPLUS::Dist::Build is a distribution class for Module::Build related modules. Using this package, you can create, install and uninstall perl modules. It inherits from CPANPLUS::Dist. Normal users won't have to worry about the interface to this module, as it functions transparently as a plug-in to CPANPLUS and will just Do The Right Thing when it's loaded.