Ports 搜索

devel/DateTime-Format-Bork-0.02 (Score: 0.032514982)
Formats datetimes for that guy from The Muppet Show
Bork debork, bork bork bork.
devel/DateTime-Format-Builder-0.81 (Score: 0.032514982)
Create DateTime parser classes and objects
DateTime::Format::Builder creates DateTime parsers. Many string formats of dates and times are simple and just require a basic regular expression to extract the relevant information. Builder provides a simple way to do this without writing reams of structural code. Builder provides a number of methods, most of which you'll never need, or at least rarely need. They're provided more for exposing of the module's innards to any subclasses, or for when you need to do something slightly beyond what I expected.
devel/DateTime-Format-DBI-0.041 (Score: 0.032514982)
Find a parser class for a database connection
This module finds a DateTime::Format::* class that is suitable for the use with a given DBI connection (and DBD::* driver). It currently supports the following drivers: MySQL, PostgreSQL (Pg).
devel/DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.42 (Score: 0.032514982)
HTTP date conversion routines
This module provides functions that deal the date formats used by the HTTP protocol (and then some more).
devel/DateTime-Format-DateManip-0.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Convert Date::Manip dates and durations to DateTimes and vice versa
DateTime::Format::DateManip is a class that knows how to convert between Date::Manip dates and durations and DateTime and DateTime::Duration objects. Recurrences are note yet supported.
devel/DateTime-Format-DateParse-0.05 (Score: 0.032514982)
This module is a compatibility wrapper around Date::Parse
This module is a compatibility wrapper around Date::Parse. Provides a tool to process different combinations of dates and zones values. If a date doesn't contain a timezone suffix, and zone parameter is not set, then the timezone of the returned DateTime object will be set to the local timezone. This is consistent with the behavior of Date::Parse. If no zone is specified and the date string does specify a timezone/offset or if a zone format can not be parsed by DateTime::TimeZone, the returned DateTime object will have UTC timezone.
devel/DateTime-Format-Duration-1.04 (Score: 0.032514982)
Format and parse DateTime::Durations
This module formats and parses DateTime::Duration objects as well as other durations representations.
devel/DateTime-Format-Epoch-0.16 (Score: 0.032514982)
Convert DateTimes to/from epoch seconds
This module can convert a DateTime object (or any object that can be converted to a DateTime object) to the number of seconds since a given epoch. It can also do the reverse.
devel/DateTime-Format-Excel-0.31.00 (Score: 0.032514982)
Convert between DateTime and Excel dates
Excel uses a different system for its dates than most Unix programs. This module allows you to convert between a few of the Excel raw formats and DateTime objects, which can then be further converted via any of the other DateTime::Format::* modules, or just with DateTime's methods.
devel/DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.26 (Score: 0.032514982)
Flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
DateTime::Format::Flexible attempts to take any string you give it and parse it into a DateTime object. The test file tests 2500+ variations of date/time strings.