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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,2612,270项(搜索用时0.007秒)
japanese/ibus-skk-1.4.1 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Japanese SKK input engine for IBus
ibus-skk -- a Japanese SKK input engine for IBus ibus-skk is an implementation of the SKK (Simple Kana-Kanji) input method on the IBus input method framework. To learn about SKK, see: http://openlab.jp/skk/ https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ja/wiki/SKK
japanese/roget-fpw-1.0.2 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Roget's Thesaurus (EPWING V1 format)
Roget's Thesaurus was produced by PROJECT GUTENBERG. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://promo.net/pg/ o URL for this converted dictionary:
japanese/Text-MeCab-0.20009 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Alternate Interface To libmecab
libmecab (http://mecab.sourceforge.ne.jp) already has a perl interface built with it, so why a new module? I just feel that while a subtle difference, making the perl interface through a tied hash is just... weird. So Text::MeCab gives you a more natural, Perl-ish way to access libmecab!
japanese/wwasw-fpw-1.0.2 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Biographical dictionary (EPWING V1 format)
This biographical dictionary was produced by PROJECT GUTENBERG. This file is converted from the original dictionary into JIS X 4081 format (that is a subset of EPWING V1) by FreePWING. So this can be used by EPWING viewers on Unix and the other OS (e.g. Windows or MacOS). o URL for the original dictionary: http://promo.net/pg/ o URL for this converted dictionary:
mail/libspf-1.0.0.p5 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) library and client
Sender Policy Framework (SPF) library and client in C. SPF is a standard under development for email envelope sender verification. Domain owners can specify who is qualified to send mail for the domain by publishing SPF TXT records in DNS. Read all about SPF at http://spf.pobox.com/
math/naturalmath-0.5 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Script to turn intuitively written math into latex
This program is an easy way to typeset mathematics. You can try it out at http://cauchy.math.missouri.edu/~stephen/cgi-bin/naturalmath.cgi Actually what it does is to convert text written in the Natural Math language into latex.
math/Math-Combinatorics-0.09 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Perform combinations and permutations on lists
Combinatorics is the branch of mathematics studying the enumeration, combination, and permutation of sets of elements and the mathematical relations that characterize their properties. As a jumping off point, refer to: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Combinatorics.html This module provides a pure-perl implementation of nCk, nPk, and n! (combination, permutation, and factorial, respectively).
misc/Zen-Koans-0.05 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Library containing over 100 Zen Koans
A koan (pronounced /ko.an/) is a story, dialog, question, or statement in the history and lore of Chan (Zen) Buddhism, generally containing aspects that are inaccessible to rational understanding, yet that may be accessible to intuition. This module contains over 100 Zen Koans, all taken from Ashidakim Zen Koans here: http://www.ashidakim.com/zenkoans/zenindex.html
misc/vdmfec-1.0 (Score: 0.0038018618)
ECC wrapper using Vandermonde matrices based FEC
VDMFEC implements Block ECC using a Forward Error Correction (FEC) code based on Vandermonde (VDM) matrices in GF(2^8) due to Luigi Rizzo. Its primary application is intended to be in recovering data from unreliable media such as diskettes. Another example is wrapping 'zfs send' streams before dumping onto tape. The home page for FEC is http://www.iet.unipi.it/~luigi/fec.html
multimedia/flvtool++-1.2.1 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Tool for hinting and manipulating the metadata of FLV files
flvtool++ is a tool for hinting and manipulating the metadata of FLV files. It was originally created for Facebook's Video project (http://facebook.com/video/) for fast video hinting. It is loosely based on the Ruby FLVTool2, but is written in C++ for performance reasons.