Ports 搜索

misc/smssend-3.5 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Tool to send a SMS to any GSM
This package allows you to send an SMS to any GSM, using scripts to connect the providers' sites. You can make your own scripts, it is very simple, just watch the example files from this archive, and send them to me so I'll add them to the official archive.
net-mgmt/scli-0.3.1 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
A collection of SNMP command line management tools
The scli package written to address the need for small and efficient command line utilities to monitor and configure network devices and host systems. The scli package is based on the SNMP management protocol.
net/libvncserver-0.9.10 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Provide an easy API to a custom vnc server
LibVNCServer is ripped out of Xvnc to provide an easy API to write one's own vnc server.
net/mtr-0.86 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Traceroute and ping in a single network diagnostic tool
security/gorilla- (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Password Gorilla is a cross-platform Password Manager
Password Gorilla is cross-platform Password Manager. It is compatible with "Password Safe" from Windows. It uses TCL/Tk and runs on most platforms supported by Tcl/Tk.
security/clientsession- (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Securely store session data in a client-side cookie
Achieves security through AES-CTR encryption and Skein-MAC-512-256 authentication. Uses Base64 encoding to avoid any issues with characters.
security/Crypt-PGPSimple-0.13 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Crypt::PGPSimple provides a simple object-oriented interface to PGP
Object oriented interface to PGP. Requires PGP installed on the server. Allows Perl scripts to encrypt, decrypt and sign messages using PGP for the encyption. Tested with PGP 2.6.2 and PGP 6.5.8 on UNIX and Windows.
security/pam_yubico-2.16 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
PAM module for authenticating with a Yubico YubiKey
The Yubico authentication device Yubikey generates one-time passwords that can be used for authentication. This module allows you to use the Yubikey device to authenticate to the PAM system.
security/python-social-auth-0.2.14 (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Python Social Auth is a social authentication/registration mechanism
Python Social Auth is an easy-to-setup social authentication/registration mechanism with support for several frameworks and auth providers.
sysutils/linuxfdisk-2.11z (Score: 9.237698E-4)
Fdisk, a partition tables manipulator, from util-linux
This is fdisk from util-linux package, common on Linux systems. It allows interactive manipulation of partitions including logical ones from MS-DOS partitioning scheme.