Ports 搜索

graphics/libpgf-7.15.32 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Progressive Graphics Format (PGF) library
The Progressive Graphics File (PGF) is an efficient image file format that is based on a fast, discrete wavelet transform with progressive coding features. PGF can be used for lossless and lossy compression.
japanese/Lingua-JA-Kana-0.07 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Converts between Kanas and Romaji
This module is a simple utility to convert katakana, hiragana, and romaji at ease. This module makes use of utf8 semantics. Strings in this module must be utf8-flagged. If they are not, you can use Encode to do so.
java/subversion-1.9.4 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Java bindings for Version control system
Subversion is a version control system designed to be as similar to cvs(1) as possible, while fixing many outstanding problems with cvs(1). This port adds Java bindings to Subversion.
java/jdbcpool-0.99 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
JDBC connection pool
The Bitmechanic JDBC Connection Pool provides developers a way to easily cache open connections to databases. This is useful in server environments since opening database connections can be slow. For more details see:
mail/bbmail-0.9.3 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Tool intended for Blackbox that checks for new mail
A tool that displays the status of your mailbox/maildir and notifies you when new mail has arrived. It was designed to be used with the Blackbox window manager but should work with any window manager.
mail/findmaildirs-0.3 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Simple utility to create list of maildirs for mutt
This simple utility scans a directory for maildirs and prints them in mutt-compatible format. It may be called from .muttrc to automatically fill mutt's mailboxes parameter on startup with all available maildirs.
mail/nohtml-1.11 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Strip HTML attachments from email
'nohtml' is a filter which strips HTML attachments from email messages. It is primarily intended to be used with remailers like mailing lists to suppress HTML from ever hitting those lists.
mail/nullpop-0.3 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
POP3 server that allows logins, but never returns any email
NullPop is a POP3 server that allows logins, but never returns any email. This is useful for certain setups where the user needs an 'account' setup in their mail client, but no real mail will ever be received.
mail/Email-Filter-1.03.3 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Library for creating easy email filters
This is another module produced by the "Perl Email Project", a reaction against the complexity and increasing bugginess of the "Mail::*" modules. It replaces Mail::Audit, and allows you to write programs describing how your mail should be filtered.
mail/Email-Send-2.199 (Score: 2.9434034E-4)
Email::Send - Simply Sending Email
This module provides a very simple, very clean, very specific interface to multiple Email mailers. The goal of this software is to be small and simple, easy to use, and easy to extend.