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Results 8190 of 141 for /news/.(0.059 seconds)
www/netoffice-2.6.0b2 (Score: 0.15017176)
NetOffice is a free web based project-management environment
netOffice is a free web based project-management environment written in php/mySQL. netOffice allows managing and sharing information about teams.
www/gregarius-0.6.1 (Score: 0.14566278)
Web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM news aggregator
Gregarius is a Web-based RSS/RDF/ATOM news aggregator featuring OPML import/export, XHTML/CSS output and an AJAX-based item tagging system.
net/quiterss-0.18.4 (Score: 0.14200617)
Open-source cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader
QuiteRSS is a open-source cross-platform RSS/Atom news feeds reader.
mail/xcite-1.60 (Score: 0.12825915)
Exciting Cite for any Mail/News reading modes on Emacs
This package enables you to registe as many mail/news citation prefix as you like according to each author, and to select those headers randomly.
www/tt-rss-16.8.2016.08.11 (Score: 0.12590054)
Tiny Tiny RSS: web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator
Tiny Tiny RSS is an open source web-based news feed (RSS/Atom) aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible. It can be seen as a replacement for Google Reader.
mail/alpine-2.20 (Score: 0.12160549)
Mail and news client descended from Pine
Alpine is a screen-oriented message-handling tool for news, and POP, IMAP, and local e-mail. In its default configuration it offers a limited set of functions geared toward the novice user, but it also has a large list of optional "power-user" and personal-preference features. Alpine's basic feature set includes: * View, Save, Export, Delete, Print, Reply and Forward messages. Compose messages in a simple editor with word-wrap and a spelling checker. Messages may be postponed for later completion. * Selection and management of message folders. * Address book to keep a list of long or frequently-used addresses. Personal distribution lists may be defined. Addresses may be taken into the address book from incoming mail without retyping them. * New mail checking/notification occurs automatically (configurable). * On-line, context-sensitive help screens. Alpine supports MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), an Internet Standard for representing multipart and multimedia data in email.
mail/claws-mail-3.14.0 (Score: 0.11107538)
Lightweight and featureful GTK+ based e-mail and news client
Claws Mail is an e-mail client (and news reader) based on GTK+ Currently, many features are supported including POP3, IMAP, NNTP, multiple accounts, threading, filtering, MIME attachments, APOP, SMTP AUTH, SSL, IPv6, GnuPG, internalization, and more. In addition to the above, Claws Mail has a lot of extra features, e.g. a plugin mechanism, a new filtering/processing mechanism, extra folder properties and much more...
mail/sigrot-1.0 (Score: 0.10442172)
Util to rotate your mail/news signature
Sigrot is a small program for signature rotation. It keeps a file with your favorite signatures and puts a random one in your signature each time you run it. You can also specify a standard part of your signature which will not change, ie. your name or PGP key.
mail/james- (Score: 0.10420187)
Java SMTP and POP3 Mail server and NNTP News server
The Apache Java Enterprise Mail Server (a.k.a. Apache James) is a 100% pure Java SMTP and POP3 Mail server and NNTP News server. We have designed James to be a complete and portable enterprise mail engine solution based on currently available open protocols. James is also a mail application platform. We have developed a Java API to let you write Java code to process emails that we call the mailet API. A mailet can generate an automatic reply, update a database, prevent spam, build a message archive, or whatever you can imagine. A matcher determines whether your mailet should process an email in the server. The James project hosts the Mailet API, and James provides an implementation of this mail appli -cation platform API. James is based upon the Apache Avalon application framework, formerly a product of the Apache Avalon project.
mail/mailfmt-1.3 (Score: 0.10398203)
Remove leading quotations from mail/news and wrap lines to fixed width
'mailfmt' is a program to reformat mail and news to remove leading quotation characters and wrap the lines to a reasonable width. You need a reasonably current copy of Python to run the main script.