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Results 5,4115,420 of 5,623 for /devel/.(0.005 seconds)
devel/liblogging-1.0.5 (Score: 0.032514982)
Easy to use system logging library
Liblogging offers an enhanced replacement for the syslog() call, but retains its ease of use. In a nutshell, it permits sytem administrators to direct application log output to different destinations without requiring the app developer to do any work for this. Liblogging is released under a 2-clause BSD license and as such can be used in any application.
devel/smack-0.5.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Low-level I/O storage library which packs data
SMACK is a low-level I/O storage library which packs data into sorted blobs, compressed with zlib, bzip2, or snappy. It was created to host huge amount of rather small compressible data in Elliptics, providing extremely fast write performance (tens of thousands RPS per node with hundreds of millions already written objects); its backend architecture was implemented with HBase in mind, but some changes were tested and made different. Data is compressed and sorted by key, that is, you get HBase-like scans for free (although this is not yet exported to Elliptics API).
devel/File-ShareDir-Install-0.11 (Score: 0.032514982)
Install read-only data files from a distribution
File::ShareDir::Install allows you to install read-only data files from a distribution. It is a companion module to File::ShareDir, which allows you to locate these files after installation. It is a port Module::Install::Share to ExtUtils::MakeMaker with the improvement of only installing the files you want; .svn and other source-control junk will be ignored.
devel/File-Slurper-0.009 (Score: 0.032514982)
Simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
This module provides functions for fast and correct slurping and spewing. All functions are optionally exported.
devel/Gravatar-URL-1.07 (Score: 0.032514982)
Make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
Gravatar::URL is a perl module to make URLs for Gravatars from an email address.
devel/soapui-5.2.1 (Score: 0.032514982)
Web service, SOA, and SOAP testing tool
soapUI is a free and open source desktop application for inspecting, invoking, developing, simulating/mocking and functional/load/compliance testing of web services over HTTP.
devel/sonarqube-5.6 (Score: 0.032514982)
Platform for continuous inspection of code quality
The SonarQube platform is an open source quality management platform, dedicated to continuously analyzing and measuring the technical quality of source code, from project portfolio down to the method level. Features: - Supports languages: Java, C/C++, Objective-C, C#, PHP, Flex, Groovy, JavaScript, Python, PL/SQL, COBOL, etc. - Can also be used in Android development. - Offers reports on duplicated code, coding standards, unit tests, code coverage, complex code, potential bugs, comments and design and architecture. - Records metrics history and provides evolution graphs ("time machine") and differential views. - Provides fully automated analyses: integrates with Maven, Ant, Gradle and continuous integration tools (Atlassian Bamboo, Jenkins, Hudson, etc.). - Integrates with the Eclipse development environment. - Integrates with external tools: JIRA, Mantis, LDAP, Fortify, etc. - Is expandable with the use of plugins. - Implements the SQALE methodology to compute technical debt.
devel/sope2-2.3.13 (Score: 0.032514982)
Extensive set of GNUstep web application frameworks
SOPE is an extensive set of frameworks which form a complete Web application server environment. Besides the Apple WebObjects compatible appserver extended with Zope concepts, it contains a large set of reusable classes: XML processing (SAX, DOM, XML-RPC), MIME/IMAP4 processing, LDAP connectivity, RDBMS connectivity, and iCalendar parsing.
devel/liblouisxml-2.4.0 (Score: 0.032514982)
Library Provide Complete Braille Transcription Services
liblouisxml is a library intended to provide complete braille transcription services for xml documents. It translates into appropriate braille codes and formats according to its style sheet and the specifications in the document. A command-line program, xml2brl which uses this library is also included. The latest version of liblouis is required.
devel/sourcenav-4.5 (Score: 0.032514982)
Source code analysis tool
Source Navigator NG is a source code analysis tool. With it, you can edit your source code, display relationships between classes and functions and members, and display call trees. You can navigate your source code and easily get to declarations or implementations of functions, variables and macros (commonly called "symbols") which helps you discovering and mapping unknown source code for enhancement or maintenance tasks. It is based upon the old source navigator and strives to improve usability and performance.