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www/tclwebtest-1.0 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Tool for issuing HTTP requests and dealing with the result
Tclwebtest is a tool to write automated tests for web applications. It provides a simple API for issuing http requests, dealing with the result and assume specific response values, while taking care of the details such as redirects and cookies. It has some basic html parsing functionality, to provide access to elements of the result html page that are needed for testing. TclWebtest should be suitable for testing larger chains of user interaction on a web application, for example a full ecommerce ordering session. Tclwebtest could visit an ecommerce site as anonymous user, add some products to its shopping cart, check out the cart, register itself as user and enter a test address etc. The test script could also include the administration part of the interaction, by explicitely logging in as site admin, reviewing and processing the order, nuking the test user etc.
www/permatabs-1.7.0 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Turn tabs of your choice into permanent tabs
Turn tabs of your choice into permanent tabs. PermaTabs can't be closed accidentally no matter what you click (even actions like "Close other tabs" will not affect them) and will stick around between sessions. Ideal for keeping URLs you use often, always one tab away. Also, ideal for picking up specific articles where you left off during a previous session. From first installation PermaTabs includes three random sample tabs (from a built in list) to get you started. Maybe you'll discover a useful site you never knew about? Adding or removing a permatab is simple - right click a site's tab, and check/uncheck "Permanent Tab". Must read: one of the default permatabs installed on first installation is an affiliate URL to eBay.com. You can of course remove this and the other sample permatabs, and create your own (which is the whole idea).
www/torbutton-1.5.2 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Quickly toggle use of the Tor network
Torbutton is a 1-click way to enable or disable the use of Tor. It adds a panel to the statusbar that says "Tor Enabled" (in green) or "Tor Disabled" (in red). The user may click on the panel to toggle the status. If the user (or some other extension) changes the proxy settings, the change is automatically reflected in the statusbar. Some users may prefer a toolbar button instead of a statusbar panel. Such a button is included, and one adds it to the toolbar by right-clicking on the desired toolbar, selecting "Customize...", and then dragging the Torbutton icon onto the toolbar. There is an option in the preferences to hide the statusbar panel (Tools->Extensions, select Torbutton, and click on Preferences). Newer Firefox versions have the ability to send DNS resolves through the socks proxy, and Torbutton will make use of this feature if it is available.
x11-fonts/bdfresize-1.5 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Tool for resizing BDF format font
bdfresize - a tool for resizing BDF format font Bdfresize is a command to magnify or reduce fonts which are described with the standard BDF format. If bdf-file is not specified, it reads from stdin. Bdfresize outputs the result to stdout in BDF format. Some COMMENT lines are inserted to the result font. FONT name is modified depending on the resize factor if the name is described in XLFD format. SIZE, FONTBOUNDINGBIX, SWIDTH, DWIDTH, BBX and some property lines are also modified. Other lines are copied from source. If a syntax error occurs in a source font, bdfresize notices it and stops the whole process. Bdfresize is a free software under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2. See the COPYING file for details. Hiroto Kagotani <kagotani@cs.titech.ac.jp> made the original version (1.4).
x11-toolkits/Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Simple interface to complex MVC list widget
Gtk2 has a powerful, but complex MVC (Model, View, Controller) system used to implement list and tree widgets. Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List automates the complex setup work and allows you to treat the list model as a more natural list of lists structure. After creating a new Gtk2::Ex::Simple::List object with the desired columns you may set the list data with a simple Perl array assignment. Rows may be added or deleted with all of the normal array operations. You can treat the data member of the Simple::List object as an array reference, and manipulate the list data with perl's normal array operators. A mechanism has also been put into place allowing columns to be Perl scalars. The scalar is converted to text through Perl's normal mechanisms and then displayed in the list. This same mechanism can be expanded by defining arbitrary new column types before calling the new function.
x11-toolkits/Prima-1.47 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Extensible Perl toolkit for multi-platform GUI development
Prima is an extensible Perl toolkit for multi-platform GUI development. Platforms supported include Linux, Windows NT/9x/2K, OS/2 and UNIX/X11 workstations ( FreeBSD, IRIX, SunOS, Solaris and others). The toolkit contains a rich set of standard widgets and has emphasis on 2D image processing tasks. A Perl program using PRIMA looks and behaves identically on X, Win32 and OS/2 PM. The toolkit includes a visual builder ( VB ) and a graphic pod viewer utility ( podview ). The examples are installed into perl site in Prima/examples directory. A 'hello world' code is as simple as follows: use Prima qw(Application Buttons); Prima::Window-> create( text => 'Hello world!', size => [ 200, 200], )-> insert( Button => centered => 1, text => 'Hello world!', onClick => sub { $::application-> close }, ); run Prima;
x11-wm/fluxter-0.2.0 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Desktop pager for the Fluxbox Slit
fluxter is a newer incarnation of bbpager, which is like the name suggests a pager tool for Blackbox. The major changes to bbpager are: - Accesses fluxbox configuration files, e.g. in ~/.fluxbox, rather than in blackbox directories. - Default styles come from the fluxbox configuration. Without customization it will track the look of the current theme. - The configuration files have been renamed to fluxter.bb (used in a fluxbox environment) and fluxter.nobb (used in a non-fluxbox environment). These files should go in fluxbox configuration directories, such as ~/.fluxbox. - The X resource entries in the configuration files use fluxter as a label, rather than bbpager. - Per-workspace wallpaper changing is supported by the addition of per-workspace rootCommand configuration entries. For example: fluxter.workspace0.rootCommand: Esetroot /usr/share/pixmaps/bg1.png fluxter.workspace1.rootCommand: Esetroot /usr/share/pixmaps/bg2.png fluxter.workspace2.rootCommand: Esetroot /usr/share/pixmaps/bg3.png
x11/keyboardcast-0.1.1 (Score: 1.296674E-4)
Broadcast keystrokes to multiple X windows for Gnome2
The purpose of keyboardcast is to allow you to send keystrokes to multiple X windows at once. This allows you, for example, to control a number of terminals connected to different but similar hosts for purposes of mass- administration. You can also select non-terminals. If you come up with a reasonable use for this ability I'd be interested in hearing about it. The program can select windows to send to either by matching their titles (using a substring) or by clicking on them (in a method similar to GIMP's screenshot feature). The program also features the ability to spawn off multiple instances of gnome-terminal executing a single command on multiple arguments (for example executing 'ssh' on several hosts). The gnome-terminals are invoked with the profile 'keyboardcast' if it exists (so, for example, your font size can be smaller).
audio/wavpack-4.60.1 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Audio codec for lossless, lossy, and hybrid compression
WavPack is a completely open audio compression format providing lossless, high-quality lossy, and a unique hybrid compression mode. Although the technology is loosely based on previous versions of WavPack, the new version 4 format has been designed from the ground up to offer unparalleled performance and functionality. In the default lossless mode WavPack acts just like a WinZip compressor for audio files. However, unlike MP3 or WMA encoding which can affect the sound quality, not a single bit of the original information is lost, so there's no chance of degradation. This makes lossless mode ideal for archiving audio material or any other situation where quality is paramount. The compression ratio depends on the source material, but generally is between 30% and 70% (generally lower for typical popular music and somewhat better for classical music and other sources with greater dynamic range). The hybrid mode provides all the advantages of lossless compression with an additional bonus. Instead of creating a single file, this mode creates both a relatively small, high-quality lossy file that can be used all by itself, and a "correction" file that (when combined with the lossy file) provides full lossless restoration. For some users this means never having to choose between lossless and lossy compression!
biology/treepuzzle-5.2 (Score: 1.2273963E-4)
Maximum likelihood phylogeny reconstruction using quartets
TREE-PUZZLE is a computer program to reconstruct phylogenetic trees from molecular sequence data by maximum likelihood. It implements a fast tree search algorithm, quartet puzzling, that allows analysis of large data sets and automatically assigns estimations of support to each internal branch. TREE-PUZZLE also computes pairwise maximum likelihood distances as well as branch lengths for user specified trees. Branch lengths can be calculated under the clock-assumption. In addition, TREE-PUZZLE offers a novel method, likelihood mapping, to investigate the support of a hypothesized internal branch without computing an overall tree and to visualize the phylogenetic content of a sequence alignment. TREE-PUZZLE also conducts a number of statistical tests on the data set (chi-square test for homogeneity of base composition, likelihood ratio clock test, Kishino-Hasegawa test). The models of substitution provided by TREE-PUZZLE are TN, HKY, F84, SH for nucleotides, Dayhoff, JTT, mtREV24, VT, WAG, BLOSUM 62 for amino acids, and F81 for two-state data. Rate heterogeneity is modeled by a discrete Gamma distribution and by allowing invariable sites. The corresponding parameters can be inferred from the data set.