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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第1120项(搜索用时0.013秒)
dns/POE-Filter-DNS-TCP-0.04 (Score: 0.14484154)
POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
POE::Filter::DNS::TCP is a POE::Filter for parsing and generating DNS messages received from or transmitted (respectively) over TCP as per RFC 1035.
CSS::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses CSS::Minifier to minify css code from filtered content during template processing.
JavaScript::Minifier filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses JavaScript::Minifier to compress javascript code from filtered content during template processing.
www/POE-Filter-HTTP-Parser-1.08 (Score: 0.1418239)
HTTP POE filter for HTTP clients or servers
POE::Filter::HTTP::Parser is a POE::Filter for HTTP which is based on HTTP::Parser. It can be used to easily create POE based HTTP servers or clients.
textproc/XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01 (Score: 0.13888314)
Filter to put all characters() in one event
This is a very simple filter. One common cause of grief (and programmer error) is that XML parsers aren't required to provide character events in one chunk. They can, but are not forced to, and most don't. This filter does the trivial but oft-repeated task of putting all characters into a single event.
www/HTTPD-Log-Filter-1.08 (Score: 0.13796398)
Perl module to filter entries out of an httpd log
This module provide a simple interface to filter entries out of an httpd logfile. The constructor can be passed regular expressions to match against particular fields on the logfile. It does its filtering line by line, using a filter method that takes a line of a logfile as input, and returns true if it matches, and false if it doesn't. There are two possible non-matching (false) conditions; one is where the line is a valid httpd logfile entry, but just doesn't happen to match the filter (where "" is returned). The other is where it is an invalid entry according to the format specified in the constructor.
security/Filter-Crypto-2.07 (Score: 0.13522075)
Create runnable Perl files encrypted with OpenSSL libcrypto
The Filter-Crypto distribution provides the means to convert your Perl files into an encrypted, yet still runnable, format to hide the source code from casual prying eyes. This is achieved using a Perl source code filter. The encrypted files, produced using the Filter::Crypto::CryptFile module automatically have one (unencrypted) line added to the start of them which loads the Filter::Crypto::Decrypt module. The latter is a Perl source code filter which decrypts the remaining (encrypted) part of the Perl file on-the-fly when it is run. See perlfilter if you want to know more about how Perl source code filters work. Encrypted files can also be produced more conveniently using the crypt_file script, or (if you also have the PAR module available) using the PAR::Filter::Crypto module. The latter can be utilised by the standard PAR tools to produce PAR archives in which your Perl files are encrypted.
textproc/Bloom-Filter-1.0 (Score: 0.13315974)
Probabilistic algorithm for doing existence tests
A Bloom filter is a probabilistic algorithm for doing existence tests in less memory than a full list of keys would require. The tradeoff to using Bloom filters is a certain configurable risk of false positives.
CSS::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::CSS::XS is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses CSS::Minifier::XS to minify css code from filtered content during template processing.
JavaScript::Minifier::XS filter for Template Toolkit
Template::Plugin::Filter::Minify::JavaScript::XS is a Template Toolkit filter, which uses JavaScript::Minifier::XS to compress javascript code from filtered content during template processing.