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net/openpgm-5.2.122 (Score: 2.2293947E-4)
Implementation of the PGM reliable multicast protocol
OpenPGM is an open source implementation of the Pragmatic General Multicast (PGM) specification in RFC 3208 available at www.ietf.org. PGM is a reliable and scalable multicast protocol that enables receivers to detect loss, request retransmission of lost data, or notify an application of unrecoverable loss. PGM is a receiver-reliable protocol, which means the receiver is responsible for ensuring all data is received, absolving the sender of reception responsibility. PGM runs over a best effort datagram service, currently OpenPGM uses IP multicast but could be implemented above switched fabrics such as InfiniBand. PGM is appropriate for applications that require duplicate-free multicast data delivery from multiple sources to multiple receivers. PGM does not support acknowledged delivery, nor does it guarantee ordering of packets from multiple senders. PGM is primarly used on internal networks to help integrate disparate systems through a common communication platform. A lack of IPv4 multicast-enabled infrastructure leads to limited capability for internet applications, IPv6 promotes multicast to be a part of the core functionality of IP but may still be disabled on core routers. Support of Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) allows for improved WAN deployment by allowing end-point router filtering of unwanted source traffic
archivers/ha-0.999b (Score: 2.1994699E-4)
File archiver based on HSC compression method
HA is an archiver which I released in January 1993 as version 0.98. After that I had plans to improve speed, archive handling etc. which would have required total rewrite of the code. For that I unfortunately could not find time. Because there has been quite considerably interest for internals of HA (especially for the HSC compression method) I decided to make a source level release from my current test version (0.999 beta) and place it under GNU General Public License. The sources for this version are not very consistent or clean, but everything should work. There are several improvements which should be made before this could be called version 1.0. Some of the most obvious of these are: - Compression methods should be coded in assembler for PC and using more efficient data structures for 32 bit platforms. Current version does some things only to overcome 64kB segments of 8086. - UNIX port has still some problems and is missing some things (for example a grouping operator in wildcard matches). - File handling is far from optimum. - Archive handling is not too clever either. - Testing should be done more thoroughly as there are many special cases in compression routines which get used very rarely. - Documentation of code and algorithms is totally missing.
graphics/icoutils-0.31.0 (Score: 2.1994699E-4)
Convert/extract images in Microsoft Windows(R) icon/cursor files
The icoutils are a set of program for extracting and converting images in Microsoft Windows(R) icon and cursor files. These files usually have the extension .ico or .cur, but they can also be embedded in executables and libraries (.dll-files). The icotool program converts icon and cursor files into a set of PNG images. (Each icon/cursor file may contain multiple images, usually of different sizes and with different number of colors.) Icotool can also create icon/cursor files from PNG images. The wrestool program can extract both icons and cursors from 32-bit ("PE") and 16-bit ("NE") executables and libraries. It writes .ico and .cur files that can be used on Windows(R) operating systems as well. Other types of embedded resourced can be extracted, however only in raw form -- icons and cursors require additional conversion before they can be saved as icon and cursor files. The extresso script automates the tasks of extracting and converting icons. This is done with the help of of special resource scripts. The purpose of these scripts are to give names to the icons in the executables and libraries.
graphics/luxrender-1.6 (Score: 2.1994699E-4)
Physically based and unbiased rendering system
LuxRender is a physically based and unbiased rendering engine. Based on state of the art algorithms, LuxRender simulates the flow of light according to physical equations, thus producing realistic images of photographic quality. Some of the main features of LuxRender are: * biased and unbiased rendering: Users can choose between physical accuracy (unbiased) and speed (biased); * full spectral rendering: Instead of the RGB colour spectrum, full spectra are used for internal calculations; * hierarchical procedural and image based texture system: Procedural and image based textures can be mixed in various ways, making it possible to create complex materials; * displacement mapping and subdivision: Based on procedural or image textures, object surfaces can be transformed; * network and co-operative rendering: Rendering time can be reduced by combining the processing power of multiple computers; * perspective (including shift lens), orthographic, and environment cameras; * HDR output: Render output can be saved in various file formats, including .png, .tga, and .exr. Fully functional exporters are available for Blender and Maya, while exporters for a growing number of 3D applications are under development.
devel/constant-defer-6 (Score: 2.1880458E-4)
Constant subs with deferred value calculation
constant::defer creates a subroutine which on the first call runs given code to calculate its value, and on any subsequent calls just returns that value, like a constant. The value code is discarded once run, allowing it to be garbage collected. Deferring a calculation is good if it might take a lot of work or produce a big result but is only needed sometimes or only well into a program run. If it's never needed then the value code never runs. A deferred constant is generally not inlined or folded (see "Constant Folding" in perlop) since it's not a single scalar value. In the current implementation a deferred constant becomes a plain constant after the first use, so may inline etc in code compiled after that (see "IMPLEMENTATION" below).
mail/razor-agents-2.84 (Score: 2.1880458E-4)
Distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network
Vipul's Razor is a distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network. Razor establishes a distributed and constantly updating catalogue of spam in propagation. This catalogue is used by clients to filter out known spam. On receiving a spam, a Razor Reporting Agent (run by an end-user or a troll box) calculates and submits a 20-character unique identification of the spam (a SHA Digest) to its closest Razor Catalogue Server. The Catalogue Server echos this signature to other trusted servers after storing it in its database. Prior to manual processing or transport-level reception, Razor Filtering Agents (end-users and MTAs) check their incoming mail against a Catalogue Server and filter out or deny transport in case of a signature match. Catalogued spam, once identified and reported by a Reporting Agent, can be blocked out by the rest of the Filtering Agents on the network.
net/URI-OpenURL-0.4.6 (Score: 2.1880458E-4)
Parse and construct OpenURL's (NISO Z39.88-2004)
This module provides an implementation of OpenURLs encoded as URIs (Key/Encoded-Value (KEV) Format), this forms only a part of the OpenURL spec. It does not check that OpenURLs constructed are sane according to the OpenURL specification (to a large extent sanity will depend on the community of use). From the implementation guidelines: The description of a referenced resource, and the descriptions of the associated resources that comprise the context of the reference, bundled together are called a ContextObject. It is a ContextObject that is transported when a user makes a request by clicking a link. A KEV OpenURL may contain only one ContextObject. The ContextObject may contain up to six Entities. One of these, the Referent, conveys information about the referenced item. It must always be included in a ContextObject. The other five entities - ReferringEntity, Requester, Resolver, ServiceType and Referrer - hold information about the context of the reference and are optional.
archivers/star-1.5.3 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Unique standard tape archiver with many enhancements
Star is the fastest known implementation of a tar archiver. Main advantages over other tar implementations: fifo - Keeps the tape streaming. pattern matcher - For a convenient user interface. sophisticated diff - User tailorable interface for comparing tar archives against file trees. no namelen limitation - Pathnames up to 1024 Bytes may be archived. deals with all 3 times - Stores/restores all 3 times of a file. does not clobber files - More recent copies on disk will not be clobbered from tape. automatic byte swap - star automatically detects swapped archives. automatic format detect - Automatically detects archive formats: old tar, gnu tar, ansi tar, star. fully ansi compatible - star is fully ANSI/Posix 1003.1 compatible. Please mail bugs and suggestions to: Author: Joerg Schilling <js@cs.tu-berlin.de>
audio/Audio-MPD-2.004 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Class to talk to MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers
Audio::MPD gives a clear object-oriented interface for talking to and controlling MPD (Music Player Daemon) servers. A connection to the MPD server is established as soon as a new Audio::MPD object is created. Note that the module will by default connect to mpd before sending any command, and will disconnect after the command has been issued. This scheme is far from optimal, but allows us not to care about timeout disconnections. /!\ Note that Audio::MPD is using high-level, blocking sockets. This means that if the mpd server is slow, or hangs for whatever reason, or even crash abruptly, the program will be hung forever in this sub. The POE::Component::Client::MPD module is way safer - you're advised to use it instead of Audio::MPD. Or you can try to set conntype to $REUSE (see Audio::MPD constructor for more details), but you would be then on your own to deal with disconnections.
comms/seyon-2.20c (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Communications package for the X Window system
Seyon is a complete full-featured telecommunications package for the X Window System. Its features include: - Dialing directory that supports an unlimited number of entries. - Terminal emulation window using any terminal emulation program that supports X. This defaults to xterm. - Script language to automate tedious tasks such as logging into remote hosts. - Unlimited number of slots for external file transfer protocols. - Support for zmodem auto-download. - Translation modes. Seyon can perform useful translations on the user's input. - Interactive setting of program parameters. - On-line help. - Modem speeds up to 115200 bps. - Software (XON/XOFF) and hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. - Session capture to a file. - Temporary running of a local shell in the terminal emulation window. Seyon is intended to be both simple and extensively configurable. Almost every aspect of Seyon can be configured via the resources to suit the user's taste.