Ports 搜索

www/Template-Plugin-JSON-0.06 (Score: 0.056974534)
Adds a .json vmethod for all TT values
This plugin provides a .json vmethod to all value types when loaded.
www/Template-Plugin-Class-0.14 (Score: 0.056974534)
Allow calling of class methods on arbitrary classes
Template::Plugin::Class allows you to call class methods on arbitrary classes. One use for this is in Class::DBI style applications.
TT plugin to make email addresses into HTML links
Template::Plugin::Clickable::Email converts any e-mail addresses found in the filtered text into HTML mailto: links.
www/Template-Plugin-Clickable-0.06 (Score: 0.056974534)
TT plugin to make URLs clickable in HTML
Template::Plugin::Clickable is a plugin for TT, which allows you to filter HTMLs clickable.
www/Template-Plugin-Comma-0.04 (Score: 0.056974534)
TT Plugin to commify numbers
Template::Plugin::Comma is a plugin for TT, which allows you to commify your numbers in templates. This would be especially useful for prices.
www/Template-Plugin-FillInForm-0.04 (Score: 0.056974534)
Template::Plugin::FillInForm - TT plugin for HTML::FillInForm
Template::Plugin::FillInForm is a plugin for TT, which allows you to make your HTML form sticky using HTML::FillInForm.
www/Template-Plugin-JavaScript-0.02 (Score: 0.056974534)
Encodes text to be safe in JavaScript
Template::Plugin::JavaScript is a TT filter that filters text so it can be safely used in JavaScript quotes.
www/Template-Plugin-MP3-1.02 (Score: 0.056974534)
TT Plugin that wraps around the MP3::Info module
Template::Plugin::MP3 is a plugin for TT, which provides a simple wrapper for using "MP3::Info" in object oriented mode.
www/Template-Plugin-Markdown-0.02 (Score: 0.056974534)
TT plugin for Text::Markdown
Template::Plugin::Markdown acts as a filter passing all content to Text::Markdown for conversion of plain text to HTML.
www/Template-Plugin-Monta-0.03 (Score: 0.056974534)
Template-Toolkit plugin to Monta Method
Template::Plugin::Monta is a plugin for Template Toolkit which allows you to use monta-method on your template.