Ports 搜索

databases/qof-0.8.8 (Score: 8.089663E-4)
Query Object Framework
QOF - Query Object Framework - library to add a query engine to C applications with generic XML backend. A SQL database is not needed; any collection of C/C++ objects can act as tables.
x11-toolkits/Xbae-4.60.4 (Score: 8.0796157E-4)
Motif-based widget which displays a grid of cells as a spreadsheet
The XbaeMatrix is a Motif-based widget which displays a grid of cells in the same manner as a spreadsheet. The cell array is scrollable, editable, and otherwise reasonably configurable in appearance. Each cell usually displays text, but pixmaps can also be displayed (not editeable). The XbaeMatrix looks to some extent like a grid of XmTextField widgets, but is actually implemented with a single XmTextField. This means a big performance improvement due to less overhead.
editors/thoteditor-2.1e (Score: 8.0701715E-4)
Structured document editor, offering a graphical WYSIWYG interface
Thot offers the usual functionality of a word processor, but it also processes the document structure. It includes a large set of advanced tools, such as a spell checker and an index generator, and it allows to export documents to common formats like HTML and LaTeX. This release should be considered as a snapshot of a work in progress. A large part of the intended features of Thot Editor are implemented, but some of them are not complete yet and the software is not supposed to be very robust. The user interface may change and can be improved. For documentation, please see the homepage.
devel/CPAN-Meta-Requirements-2.140 (Score: 8.0561603E-4)
Set of version requirements for a CPAN distribution
A CPAN::Meta::Requirements object models a set of version constraints like those specified in the META.yml or META.json files in CPAN distributions. It can be built up by adding more and more constraints, and it will reduce them to the simplest representation. Logically impossible constraints will be identified immediately by thrown exceptions.
devel/Log-Agent-Logger-0.2 (Score: 8.0561603E-4)
Log::Agent::Logger - a logging interface for perl
The Log::Agent::Logger class defines a generic interface for application logging. It must not be confused with the interface provided by Log::Agent, which is meant to be used by re-usable modules that do not wish to commit on a particular logging method, so that they remain true building blocks.
games/spring-98.0 (Score: 8.0561603E-4)
Project aiming to create a new and versatile RTS Engine
Spring is a full 3D RTS game engine, designed, in its basis, to be able to run the content of the game Total Annihilation and deliver a similar, but improved, gaming experience. Games can be intense and very large scaled, with fight of, literally, hundreds of unit and the mods allow very wide arrays of different strategies and tactics.
math/ParMetis-4.0 (Score: 8.053316E-4)
Package for parallel (mpi) unstructured graph partitioning
ParMETIS is an MPI-based parallel library that implements a variety of algorithms for partitioning unstructured graphs and for computing fill-reducing orderings of sparse matrices. ParMETIS extends the functionality provided by METIS and includes routines that are especially suited for parallel AMR computations and large scale numerical simulations. The algorithms implemented in ParMETIS are based on the parallel multilevel k-way graph-partitioning algorithms described in [KK95d], [KK96], [KK97], and the adaptive repartitioning algorithms described in [SKK97a], [SKK97b], [SK+98], and [SKK98].
net-mgmt/driftnet-0.1.6 (Score: 8.053316E-4)
Tool to grab images out of (your) TCP connections
EtherPEG was a program that sniffed for JPEGs passing by on the AirPort networks at MacHack, and showed them on the huge screen to shame people into a) turning the 802.11 encryption on, or b) reducing amount of pr0n they download at weirdo Mac conventions. DRIFTNET can do the same for *your* office, and make an attractive desktop accessory to boot. The program promiscuously sniffs and decodes any JPEG downloaded by anyone on your LAN, displaying it in an attractive, ever changing mosaic of fluffy kittens, oversized navigation buttons, and blurred images of Big Brother Elizabeth fiddling. It's UNIX only. Your sysadmin is undoubtedly running it already. So stop that. Now.
devel/dwarves-1.10.20160713 (Score: 8.0457213E-4)
Debugging Information Manipulation Tools
Dwarves is a set of tools that use the debugging information inserted in ELF binaries by compilers such as GCC, used by well known debuggers such as GDB, and more recent ones such as systemtap. Utilities in the dwarves suite include pahole, that can be used to find alignment holes in structs and classes in languages such as C, C++, but not limited to these. It also extracts other information such as CPU cacheline alignment, helping pack those structures to achieve more cache hits. A diff like tool, codiff can be used to compare the effects changes in source code generate on the resulting binaries. Another tool is pfunct, that can be used to find all sorts of information about functions, inlines, decisions made by the compiler about inlining, etc.
graphics/fujiplay-1.33 (Score: 8.0457213E-4)
Digital camera downloading tool for Fujifilm digital cameras
Fujiplay is a C program for Unix systems, to download pictures from some Fujifilm digital cameras, like the DS-7 and MX-700, using the serial link. * Tries to determine the maximum speed supported by the camera. * Detect all parity errors (not tested), improving the robustness of the one-byte xor checksum. * It will not overwrite picture files without your consent. * Detect disk full errors (not tested). * You cannot have a truncated image file. * The program can be gracefully interrupted with ^C (or whatever your interrupt character is). * Allows you to upload pictures to the camera, delete pictures from the camera, and to "press the shutter" remotely. You can also set the time/date and the "camera ID". * The source should be reasonably portable to other, non-POSIX systems. After installation with this port, you should be symlink /dev/fujifilm to your serial line device through which comunicate with your camera. For more detail infomation, see /usr/local/share/doc/fujiplay/README.