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Results 2,0612,070 of 5,824 for /net/.(0.004 seconds)
chinese/qterm-0.5.12 (Score: 0.059430577)
BBS client for BSD/Linux
QTerm is a BBS client for X Window System. Features: * support mouse in Firebird BBS * copy and paste * article download * address book * proxy support * anti-ilde * auto-reply * display and input cross language GB and BIG5 * QtScript support
chinese/telnet-1.0 (Score: 0.055059478)
8bit compatible telnet client for Chinese input
Description: Using /usr/bin/telnet in "8-bit environment", for example, BIG5- encoding Chinese characters environment in Taiwan, is somewhat in-convenient. To be able to input Chinese characters, "-8 or -L" options are needed, however, using these options cause another problem. Specifying "-8 or -L" makes ^U or ^C or ^D or ... (any isprint(c)) malfunction when telnet to SunOS. How-To-Repeat: /usr/bin/telnet -8 ms1.hinet.net (ms1.hinet.net running Solaris) login: abcde^U (or just press Enter) => the terminal state goes wrong, "reset" is needed to go back to "normal state" Fix: Apply the following patch: gopher://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/00%2f3%2fA0002063 This make telnet "8-bit clean", being able to input 8-bit data (Chinese characters) without specifying "-8 or -L" options, and telnet to SunOS without trouble. See also:
chinese/muni-1.0 (Score: 0.05488965)
Find Unicode values for Chinese characters
Muni finds the Unicode value of the 7773 Chinese characters listed in Matthews' Chinese-English Dictionary. You enter the character number found in the dictionary, and it will give you the corresponding Unicode mapping, or tell you when no such mapping has been defined. Rather than just entering the number, you can type in a query, for example: % muni : What is Unicode mapping for "Yung", listed in Matthews' Dictionary : as character 7589? - Matthews(7589) = U+6C38 : Thank you. How about 3268, Matthews' number for "Kang"? - Matthews(3268) = U+525B : Thank you, Mr. Computer. : ^D %
irc/dxirc-1.10.0 (Score: 0.05425423)
Simple IRC client written using the FOX toolkit
dxirc is a simple IRC client for various os (Linux, *BSD, Windows), written using the FOX toolkit.
net-mgmt/bpft-4.20040506 (Score: 0.048357386)
BPF Traffic collector
The BPF Traffic collector Enhanced version of trafd (/usr/ports/net/trafd/)
mail/MIME-Lite-TT-HTML-0.04 (Score: 0.046503626)
Create html mail with MIME::Lite and TT
This module provide easy interface to make MIME::Lite object with html formatted mail.
mail/MIME-Lite-TT-0.02 (Score: 0.046503626)
TT enabled MIME::Lite wrapper
MIME::Lite::TT is the wrapper of MIME::Lite which enabled Template::Toolkit as a template of email.
net-mgmt/Data-Validate-IP-0.26 (Score: 0.046503626)
Common data validation methods for IPs
This module collects IP validation routines to make input validation, and untainting easier and more readable. All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if it fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. (e.g. is_username('0')) The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument.
www/Data-Validate-URI-0.07 (Score: 0.046503626)
Common data validation methods for URIs
This module collects common URI validation routines to make input validation, and untainting easier and more readable. All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if it fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument. There are a number of other URI validation modules out there as well. This one focuses on being fast, lightweight, and relatively 'real-world'. i.e. it's good if you want to check user input, and don't need to parse out the URI/URL into chunks. Right now the module focuses on HTTP URIs, since they're arguably the most common.
net-mgmt/mbrowse-0.4.0 (Score: 0.045873497)
SNMP MIB Browser for X
Mbrowse is a GUI MIB browser and query tool based on GTK and Net-SNMP.