Ports Search

Results 7,1217,130 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.014 seconds)
sysutils/usermatic-0.6.1 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Scripts to automate the maintenance of accounts
usermatic is a collection of Perl scripts to automate maintenance of the user database on Linux and FreeBSD. Originally it was developed for FreeBSD, but it should work on Linux as well. These scripts compare the passwd database to the current list of employees/students/etc. which has to be supplied in a suitable format. This package was designed to work together with userneu.pl (sysutils/userneu/) and contains no facilities to do the actual account creation work, instead it outputs a list suitable for processing with userneu. Stale accounts can be deleted using the reaper.pl script. These scripts are experimental but they should work ok. Please report bugs to me if you find them. -Andreas Fehlner fehlner@gmx.de
textproc/pxp-1.2.7 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Validating XML parser for OCaml
PXP is a validating XML parser for OCaml. It strictly complies to the XML-1.0 standard. The parser is simple to call, usually only one statement (function call) is sufficient to parse an XML document and to represent it as object tree. Once the document is parsed, it can be accessed using a class interface. The interface allows arbitrary access including transformations. One of the features of the document representation is its polymorphic nature; it is simple to add custom methods to the document classes. Furthermore, the parser can be configured such that different XML elements are represented by objects created from different classes. This is a very powerful feature, because it simplifies the structure of programs processing XML documents.
www/aws-17.0.0 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Adacore Ada Web Server and framework
AWS stands for Ada Web Server, but it is more than just another webserver... AWS is a complete framework to develop web based applications. The main part of the framework is the embedded web server. This small yet powerful web server can be embedded into your application so your application will be able to talk with a standard web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator. Around this web server, a lot of services have been developed. The framework includes: * seb parameters module * session server * SOAP support * WSDL generation from Ada * template parser * AJAX support * HTTPS/SSL support * large server support * virtual hosting support * server push * directory browser * status page * log module * hotplug module * light communications API * configuration API * client API * web page service * SMTP support * LDAP support * Jabber support
x11-fonts/fontconfig-2.12.1 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
XML-based font configuration API for X Windows
Fontconfig does the following: * discover new fonts when installed automatically, removing a common source of configuration problems. * perform font name substitution, so that appropriate alternative fonts can be selected if fonts are missing. * identify the set of fonts required to completely cover a set of languages. * have GUI configuration tools built as it uses an XML-based configuration file (though with autodiscovery, we believe this need is minimized). * efficiently and quickly find the fonts you need among the set of fonts you have installed, even if you have installed thousands of fonts, while minimzing memory usage. * be used in concert with the X Render Extension and FreeType to implement high quality, anti-aliased and subpixel rendered text on a display.
x11-wm/sawfish-1.12.0 (Score: 2.1865971E-4)
Extensible window manager using Lisp-based scripting language
Sawfish is an extensible window manager using a Lisp-based scripting language. Its policy is very minimal compared to most window managers. Its aim is simply to manage windows in the most flexible and attractive manner possible. All high-level WM functions are implemented in Lisp for future extensibility or redefinition. These are some of the features that set Sawfish apart from other window managers: * Powerful key-binding: Virtually every functionality provided by Sawfish can be bound to keys (or mouse buttons). * Event hooking: For many events (moving windows etc.) you can customize the way Sawfish will respond. * Window matching: When windows are created you can match them to a set of rules and automatically perform actions on them. * Flexible theming: Sawfish allows for very different themes to be created and a variety of third-party themes is readily available
cad/Verilog-Perl-3.418 (Score: 2.1818953E-4)
Building point for Verilog support in the Perl language
The Verilog-Perl library is a building point for Verilog support in the Perl language. It includes: * Verilog::Getopt which parses command line options similar to C++ and VCS. * Verilog::Language which knows the language keywords and parses numbers. * Verilog::Netlist which builds netlists out of Verilog files. This allows easy scripts to determine things such as the hierarchy of modules. * Verilog::Parser invokes callbacks for language tokens. * Verilog::Preproc preprocesses the language, and allows reading post-processed files right from Perl without temporary files. * vpassert inserts PLIish warnings and assertions for any simulator. * vppreproc preprocesses the complete Verilog 2001 and SystemVerilog language. * vrename renames and cross-references Verilog symbols. Vrename creates Verilog cross references and makes it easy to rename signal and module names across multiple files. Vrename uses a simple and efficient three step process. First, you run vrename to create a list of signals in the design. You then edit this list, changing as many symbols as you wish. Vrename is then run a second time to apply the changes.
textproc/sphinxsearch-2.2.1 (Score: 2.1818953E-4)
Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
Sphinx is an open source full text search server, designed from the ground up with performance, relevance (aka search quality), and integration simplicity in mind. It's written in C++ and works on Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, etc), Windows, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, and a few other systems. Sphinx lets you either batch index and search data stored in an SQL database, NoSQL storage, or just files quickly easily and or index and search data on the fly, working with Sphinx pretty much as with a database server. A variety of text processing features enable fine-tuning Sphinx for your particular application requirements, and a number of relevance functions ensures you can tweak search quality as well. Searching via SphinxAPI is as simple as 3 lines of code, and querying via SphinxQL is even simpler, with search queries expressed in good old SQL. Sphinx clusters scale up to billions of documents and tens of millions search queries per day, powering top websites such as Craigslist, DailyMotion, NetLog, etc. And last but not least, it's open-sourced under GPLv2, and the community edition is free to use.
textproc/sphinxsearch-2.2.11 (Score: 2.1818953E-4)
Sphinx Full-Text Search Engine
Sphinx is an open source full text search server, designed from the ground up with performance, relevance (aka search quality), and integration simplicity in mind. It's written in C++ and works on Linux (RedHat, Ubuntu, etc), Windows, MacOS, Solaris, FreeBSD, and a few other systems. Sphinx lets you either batch index and search data stored in an SQL database, NoSQL storage, or just files quickly easily and or index and search data on the fly, working with Sphinx pretty much as with a database server. A variety of text processing features enable fine-tuning Sphinx for your particular application requirements, and a number of relevance functions ensures you can tweak search quality as well. Searching via SphinxAPI is as simple as 3 lines of code, and querying via SphinxQL is even simpler, with search queries expressed in good old SQL. Sphinx clusters scale up to billions of documents and tens of millions search queries per day, powering top websites such as Craigslist, DailyMotion, NetLog, etc. And last but not least, it's open-sourced under GPLv2, and the community edition is free to use.
databases/DBIx-Class-0.082840 (Score: 2.1728309E-4)
Extensible and flexible object <-> relational mapper
This is an SQL to OO mapper with an object API inspired by Class::DBI (with a compatibility layer as a springboard for porting) and a resultset API that allows abstract encapsulation of database operations. It aims to make representing queries in your code as perl-ish as possible while still providing access to as many of the capabilities of the database as possible, including retrieving related records from multiple tables in a single query, JOIN, LEFT JOIN, COUNT, DISTINCT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING support. DBIx::Class can handle multi-column primary and foreign keys, complex queries and database-level paging, and does its best to only query the database in order to return something you've directly asked for. If a resultset is used as an iterator it only fetches rows off the statement handle as requested in order to minimise memory usage. It has auto-increment support for SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server and DB2 and is known to be used in production on at least the first four, and is fork- and thread-safe out of the box (although your DBD may not be). This project is still under rapid development, so large new features may be marked EXPERIMENTAL - such APIs are still usable but may have edge bugs. Failing test cases are *always* welcome and point releases are put out rapidly as bugs are found and fixed.
devel/AnyData-0.11 (Score: 2.1728309E-4)
Easy access to data in many formats
The rather wacky idea behind this module and its sister module DBD::AnyData is that any data, regardless of source or format should be accessible and modifiable with the same simple set of methods. This module provides a multi- dimensional tied hash interface to data in a dozen different formats. The DBD::AnyData module adds a DBI/SQL interface for those same formats. Both modules provide built-in protections including appropriate flocking() for all I/O and (in most cases) record-at-a-time access to files rather than slurping of entire files. Currently supported formats include general format flat files (CSV, Fixed Length, etc.), specific formats (passwd files, httpd logs, etc.), and a variety of other kinds of formats (XML, Mp3, HTML tables). The number of supported formats will continue to grow rapidly since there is an open API making it easy for any author to create additional format parsers which can be plugged in to AnyData itself and thereby be accessible by either the tiedhash or DBI/SQL interface.