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Results 16,77116,780 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.017 seconds)
devel/tinyarray-1.1.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Arrays of numbers for Python, optimized for small sizes
Tinyarrays are similar to NumPy arrays, but optimized for small sizes. Common operations on very small arrays are to 3-7 times faster than with NumPy (with NumPy 1.6 it used to be up to 35 times), and 3 times less memory is used to store them. Tinyarrays are useful if you need many small arrays of numbers, and cannot combine them into a few large ones. (The resulting code is still much slower than C, but it may now be fast enough.)
devel/zope.component-4.2.2 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Zope Component Architecture
zope.component, together with zope.interface, provides facilities for defining, registering and looking up components. There are two basic kinds of components: adapters and utilities. Utilities are just components that provide an interface and that are looked up by an interface and a name. Adapters are components that are computed from other components to adapt them to some interface. Because they are computed from other objects, they are provided as factories, usually classes.
devel/langscan-1.2.20070115 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Program analyzer for source code search engine
LangScan is a program analyzer for source code search engine. Main Characteristics: * Use source code-specific information - Function names, string, comments, etc. * Prity-printed source code views * Easy-to-use for both general users and administrators * Support multi-byte characters Supported Languages: * Brainfuck * JavaScript * C * Lua * C++ * Objective Caml * C# * PHP * CSS * Perl * D * Python * Eiffel * Ruby * Emacs Lisp * Scheme * Io * Shell Script * Java * Plain Text
devel/sdl- (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Ruby extension library to use SDL library
Ruby/SDL is a Ruby extension library to use SDL library. Ruby/SDL has following functions. Fast 2D graphics drawing. Input from keyboard, mouse, joystick. CD playback. Sound Playback with SDL_mixer TTF (TrueType Font) drawing with SDL_TTF Load image files, supporting BMP, PNM, XPM, LBM, PCX, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TGA formats with SDL_image mpeg playback with SMPGE Japanese string input with SDLSKK 3D graphics drawing with OpenGL Interface bdf font drawing with SDL_kanji
devel/bugspots-0.2.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Bugspots - Bug Prediction Heuristic
Bugspots - Bug Prediction Heuristic An implementation of the simple bug prediction heuristic outlined by the Google Engineering team: Bug Prediction at Google Well, we actually have a great, authoritative record of where code has been requiring fixes: our bug tracker and our source control commit log! The research indicates that predicting bugs from the source history works very well, so we decided to deploy it at Google. Point bugspots at any git repo and it will identify the hotspots for you.
devel/needle-1.3.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Dependency-injection/inversion-of-control container
Needle is a dependency injection (also, inversion of control) container for Ruby. Ultimately, it can reduce the amount of code that you have to write, simplifying many common programming tasks for you. This has the two-fold benefit of both decreasing application development time, and of decreasing the effort needed to maintain your application. Specifically, Needle can do: - Log Method Execution - Reference Another Service - Unit Testing - Lifestyle Management
devel/polyamorous-1.3.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Extraction of shared code from the Active Record Hackery gems
Polyamorous is an extraction of shared code from the Active Record Hackery gems Ransack, Squeel and MetaSearch by Ernie Miller and maintained by Ryan Bigg, Xiang Li, Jon Atack and a great little group of contributors. It is an internal library for extending various versions of Active Record with polymorphism. There is no public API, so it's :nodoc:. Move along. Nothing to see here.
devel/xmake-1.06 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Powerful make utility
XMake is a make utility. It is not compatible with other makes, but provides extended functionality over most standard makes. Whereas most other makes have confusing rulesets and do not support many-to-many dependency specifications, XMake has relatively few (basically no) rulesets and allows you to easily specify many:many dependencies. This gives XMake the flexibility to deal with complex project hierarchies very simply.
devel/retryable-2.0.3 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Allow for retrying of code blocks
Retryable uns a code block, and retries it when an exception occurs. It's great when working with flakey webservices (for example). It's configured using four optional parameters :tries, :on, :sleep, :matching, :ensure, :exception_cb and runs the passed block. Should an exception occur, it'll retry for (n-1) times. Should the number of retries be reached without success, the last exception will be raised.
devel/sdl2pp-0.12.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
C++11 bindings/wrapper for SDL2
This library provides C++11 bindings/wrapper over a subset of SDL2 functions with extra features proided with modern C++ such as: * RAII-style initialization and destruction * Full error checking: exception is thrown if any SDL function fails. Exception itself allows to retrieve SDL error string * C++11 move semantics support, which allow you to store SDL objects in containers and pass/return them by value with no overhead