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devel/File-Find-Rule-VCS-1.08 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Exclude files and directories for Version Control Systems
Many tools need to be equally useful both on ordinary files, and on code that has been checked out from revision control systems. File::Find::Rule::VCS provides quick and convenient methods to exclude the version control directories of several major Version Control Systems (currently CVS, subversion, and Bazaar).
devel/Geo-JSON-0.007 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Perl OO interface for geojson
Geo::JSON converts to and from geojson using Perl objects. GeoJSON objects represent various geographical positions - points, lines, polygons, etc. Currently supports 2 or 3 dimensions (longitude, latitude, altitude). Further dimensions in positions are ignored for calculations and comparisons, but will be read-from and written-to.
devel/MooseX-Aliases-0.11 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moose
The MooseX::Aliases module will allow you to quickly alias methods in Moose. It provides an alias parameter for has() to generate aliased accessors as well as the standard ones. Attributes can also be initialized in the constructor via their aliased names.
Perl extension to allow compile time traits for classes/roles
MooseX::CompileTime::Traits allows role application at compile time via use statements. What this class does is provide an import method that will apply each of the roles (along with any arguments for parameterized roles). Roles and their arguments should be provided as an ArrayRef of tuples. Simply 'with' the role to gain the functionality.
devel/TAP-Harness-JUnit-0.42 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Perl extension to generate JUnit compatible output from TAP
Generate JUnit compatible output from TAP results. The only difference between this module and TAP::Harness is that this adds optional 'xmlfile' argument, that causes the output to be formatted into XML in format similar to one that is produced by JUnit testing framework.
devel/Test-RandomResults-0.03 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Test non-deterministic functions
This module aims to provide ways of testing functions that are meant to return results that are random; that is, non-deterministic functions. Some of the tests provided here might be easily achieved with other testing modules. The reason why they're here is that this way users become aware of how to test their non-deterministic functions.
devel/curry-1.000000 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Create automatic curried method call closures for any class or object
How many times have you written sub { $obj->something($some, $args, @_) } or worse still needed to weaken it and had to check and re-check your code to be sure you weren't closing over things the wrong way? Right. That's why I wrote this.
devel/YAML-AppConfig-0.19 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Perl extension to manage configuration files with YAML
YAML::AppConfig extends the work done in Config::YAML and YAML::ConfigFile to allow more flexiable configuration files. Your configuration is stored in YAML and then parsed and presented to you via YAML::AppConfig. Settings can be referenced using get and set methods and settings can refer to one another by using variables of the form $foo, much in the style of AppConfig.
devel/cmake-3.6.2 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Qt-based GUI for CMake
CMake is used to control the software compilation process using simple platform and compiler independent configuration files. CMake generates native makefiles and workspaces that can be used in the compiler environment of your choice. CMake is quite sophisticated: it is possible to support complex environments requiring system configuration, pre-processor generation, code generation, and template instantiation.
devel/HTML_Template_PHPLIB-1.6.0 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
PEAR template API ported from PHPLIB
The popular Template system from PHPLIB ported to PEAR. It has some features that can't be found currently in the original version like fallback paths. It has minor improvements and cleanup in the code as well as some speed improvements.