Ports 搜索

net/tcpstat-1.5 (Score: 0.09133646)
Program to report various network statistics
tcpstat reports certain network interface statistics (such as bandwidth) much like vmstat does for system statistics. It gets its information by either monitoring a specific interface, or by reading previously-saved tcpdump data from a file. It has been tested under Linux, Solaris, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and BSD/OS.
net/geoipupdate-2.2.2 (Score: 0.09067626)
Fetch the latest copies of the paid GeoIP database
This program is used to fetch the GeoIP2 and GeoIP databases. It requires an active GeoIP subscription. Please see https://www.maxmind.com/en/geolocation_landing for details about obtaining a subscription. If you wish to install the free versions of the GeoIP databases, please use the geoipudate.sh script provided in net/GeoIP.
net/libnss-cache-0.15 (Score: 0.09067626)
NSS module for directory services using an indexed, local disk cache
libnss-cache is a NSS module for reading directory service information for hosts from an indexed, local disk cache of that directory service. nsswitch.conf services provided: passwd and group Add 'nsscache' to the desired service(s) and generate the cache with the net/nsscache port.
net/IO-Interface-1.09 (Score: 0.09067626)
Perl extension for access to network card configuration information
IO::Interface adds object-methods to IO::Socket objects to allow them to get and set operational characteristics of network interface cards, such as IP addresses, net masks, and so forth. It is useful for identifying runtime characteristics of cards, such as broadcast addresses, and finding interfaces that satisfy certain criteria, such as the ability to multicast.
net/EasyTCP-0.26 (Score: 0.09067626)
Easily create TCP/IP clients and servers
Net::EasyTCP - Easily create TCP/IP clients and servers * One easy module to create both clients and servers * Object Oriented interface * Event-based callbacks in server mode * Internal protocol to take care of all the common transport problems * Transparent encryption * Transparent compression Seamus Venasse <svenasse@polaris.ca>
net/rabbitmq-c-0.0.1 (Score: 0.09067626)
RabbitMQ C AMQP client library
This is a C-language AMQP client library for use with AMQP servers speaking protocol versions 0-8 and 0-9-1. This port only speaks the 0-8 protocol version, for 0-9-1 use net/rabbitmq-c-devel. - <http://www.rabbitmq.com/> - <http://www.amqp.org/> - <http://hg.rabbitmq.com/rabbitmq-c>
net/mono-zeroconf-0.9.0 (Score: 0.09067626)
Cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for Mono
Mono.Zeroconf is a cross platform Zero Configuration Networking library for Mono and .NET. It provides a unified API for performing the most common zeroconf operations on a variety of platforms and subsystems: all the operating systems supported by Mono and both the Avahi and Bonjour/mDNSResponder transports.
net/trafshow-3.1 (Score: 0.09067626)
Full screen visualization of network traffic (an ancient version)
TrafShow continuously displays the information regarding packet traffic on the configured network interface that matches the boolean expression. It periodically sorts and updates this information. It may be useful for locating suspicious network traffic on the net. This version is old but it's known as showed the most true results.
sysutils/clean-3.4 (Score: 0.090074405)
Automatically remove unwanted files
The clean utility searches through the filesystem for "temporary files" left behind by editors and the like which can be deleted safely. WARNING: This program was written with the express purpose of deleting (unwanted) files. Please be certain that you understand this program and that you really want to use such an automatic deletion process before you begin. [ On the other hand, I've been using it for over ten years without doing anything worse than not having a core.1 manpage. The normal mode is interactive and prompts for confirmation. You are advised to have backups before using the non-interactive batch mode. ] -Chuck Swiger <chuck@pkix.net>
dns/Net-DNS-Zone-Parser-0.02 (Score: 0.08963509)
Perl5 preprocessor for normalising a zone file
The Net::DNS::Zone::Parser should be considered a preprocessor that "normalizes" a zonefile. It will read a zonefile in a format conforming to the relevant RFCs with the addition of BIND's GENERATE directive from disk and will write fully specified resource records (RRs) to a filehandle. Whereby: - All comments are stripped - There is one RR per line - Each RR is fully expanded i.e. all domain names are fully qualified (canonicalised) and the CLASS and TTLs are specified. - Some RRs may be 'stripped' from the source or otherwise processed. For details see the 'read' method. Note that this module does not have a notion of what constitutes a valid zone, it only parses. For example, the parser will happilly parse RRs with ownernames that are below in another zone because a NS RR elsewhere in the zone.