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Results 341350 of 1,719 for /textproc/.(0.013 seconds)
textproc/hunspell-2013.09.05 (Score: 0.068937615)
Italian hunspell dictionaries
Italian hunspell dictionaries
textproc/hyphen-2013.09.05 (Score: 0.068937615)
Italian hyphenation rules
Italian hyphenation rules
textproc/mythes-02.09.l (Score: 0.068937615)
Italian thesaurus
Italian thesaurus
textproc/libtranslate-0.99 (Score: 0.068937615)
Natural language translation library
libtranslate is a library for translating text and web pages between natural languages. Its modular infrastructure allows to implement new translation services separately from the core library. libtranslate is shipped with a generic module supporting web-based translation services such as Babel Fish, Google Language Tools and SYSTRAN. Moreover, the generic module allows to add new services simply by adding a few lines to a XML file (see the services.xml(5) manual page). The libtranslate distribution includes a powerful command line interface (see the translate(1) manual page).
textproc/libunibreak-1.1 (Score: 0.068937615)
Implementation of the line and word breaking algorithm for Unicode
Liblinebreak is an implementation of the line and word breaking algorithm as described in Unicode 5.1.0 Standard Annex 14, Revision 22. It breaks lines that contain Unicode characters. It is designed to be used in a generic text renderer. FBReader is one real-world example.
textproc/libuninameslist-20091231 (Score: 0.068937615)
Library of Unicode annotation data
A library with a large (sparse) array mapping each unicode code point to the annotation data for it provided in http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/NamesList.txt.
textproc/libutf8proc- (Score: 0.068937615)
UTF8 Processing library
This is the Public software group utf8proc library repackaged as a conveniance library for NetSurf. This takes the unicode 5 capable version 1.1.6 of the library and converts it to the NetSurf build system. additional API has been added with a normalisation function but there are no data changes from upstream.
textproc/PDF-Create-1.35 (Score: 0.068937615)
Perl script to convert text files to PDF files
From the p5-PDF-Create README: PDF::Create allows you to create PDF documents using a large number of primitives, and emit the result as a PDF file or stream. PDF stands for Portable Document Format. Documents can have several pages, a table of content, an information section and many other PDF elements. More functionnalities will be added as needs arise. For more details, type 'perldoc PDF::Create' or see the CPAN homepage:
textproc/libwapcaplet-0.3.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
String internment library
LibWapcaplet is a string internment library, written in C. It provides reference counted string interment and rapid string comparison functionality.
textproc/jdictionary-int-eng-1.0 (Score: 0.068937615)
JDictionary plugin: Interlingua-English dictionary
jDictionary plugin: Interlingua-English dictionary Dictionary database: International Auxiliary Language Association Inc.