Ports 搜索

astro/jday-2.4 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Astronomical Julian date calculator
jday and j2d are command line utilities to convert calendar dates to astronomical julian dates, and julian dates to calendar dates. There is a corresponding library libjday.a which can be used for the same functionality within applications.
astro/splitter-r423 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Tile splitter for mkgmap
The format used for Garmin maps has, in effect, a maximum size, meaning that you have to split an .osm file that contains large well mapped regions into a number of smaller tiles. This program does that.
astro/Astro-FITS-Header-3.07 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Object Orientated interface to FITS HDUs
Stores information about a FITS header block in an object. Takes an hash with an array reference as an argument. The array should contain a list of FITS header cards as input.
astro/Astro-0.78 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Collection of useful astronomical routines in Perl
p5-Astro is a set of assorted astronomical routines. Astro::Time, Astro::Coord and Astro::Misc provide a collection of useful astronomical routines written entirely in Perl (so no hassling about installing external libraries is required).
astro/sextractor-2.5.0 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Catalogue of objects builder from astronomical images
SExtractor is a program that builds a catalogue of objects from an astronomical image. Although it is particularly oriented towards reduction of large scale galaxy-survey data, it performs rather well on moderately crowded star fields.
astro/xworld-2.0 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Earth as seen from the direction of the sun
XWorld displays a pretty picture of our earth as it would look if viewed from the direction of the sun. The window is regularly updated. You can use xworld in lieu of a clock.
audio/boodler-1.5.3 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Programmable soundscape tool
Boodler is a tool for creating soundscapes -- continuous, infinitely varying streams of sound. Boodler is designed to run in the background on a computer, maintaining whatever sound environment you desire.
audio/cd-discid-0.9 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Backend utility to retrieve CDDB discid information
cd-discid is a backend utility to get CDDB discid information from a CD-ROM disc. It was originally designed for abcde (AKA cdgrab), but can be used for any purpose requiring CDDB data.
audio/dcd-0.99.2 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Simple, programmable, intelligent CD player
This is the port to libcdaudio of the original dcd player. dcd plays CDs, lets you set up CD playlists, and does most of what a conventional CD player does, in a (hopefully) intuitive manner.
audio/flac123-0.0.12 (Score: 2.2029475E-4)
Command-line player for flac audio files
Flac123 is a console-line Free Lossless Audio Codec (flac) audio player. It implements mpg123's 'Remote Control' interface and has the ability to output to a wav file or stdout.