Ports 搜索

math/stp-1436 (Score: 3.5826315E-4)
Decision Procedure for Bitvectors and Arrays
STP is a constraint solver (also referred to as a decision procedure or automated prover) aimed at solving constraints generated by program analysis tools, theorem provers, automated bug finders, intelligent fuzzers and model checkers. STP has been used in many research projects at Stanford, Berkeley, MIT, CMU and other universities. It is also being used at many companies such as NVIDIA, some startup companies, and by certain government agencies. The input to STP are formulas over the theory of bit-vectors and arrays (This theory captures most expressions from languages like C/C++/Java and Verilog), and the output of STP is a single bit of information that indicates whether the formula is satisfiable or not. If the input is satisfiable, then it also generates a variable assignment to satisfy the input formula.
devel/devtools-6.8 (Score: 3.576315E-4)
Linux compilers and base libraries (CentOS 6.8)
Development tools and base libraries for linux_base-c6. Required by some Linux applications such as Matlab, which allows the user to integrate custom C, C++, and Fortran code via the MEX compiler.
devel/SVN-Notify-2.86 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
Subversion activity notification
This class may be used for sending email messages for Subversion repos- itory activity. There are a number of different modes supported, and SVN::Notify is fully subclassable, to easily add new functionality. By default, a list of all the files affected by the commit will be assem- bled and listed in a single message. An additional option allows diffs to be calculated for the changes and either appended to the message or added as an attachment.
games/twind-1.1.0 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
Match and remove all of the blocks before time runs out
The object of the game is to remove all of the blocks from the screen before the time runs out. Two blocks are removed at a time, and must be of the same color. After completing a level, you will be rewarded with a bonus point for every tick left on the clock. For each level thereafter, the time to complete the the level will be shorter.
graphics/Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.97 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
This is a Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API. From the recaptcha.net web site: reCAPTCHA improves the process of digitizing books by sending words that cannot be read by computers to the Web in the form of CAPTCHAs for humans to decipher. More specifically, each word that cannot be read correctly by OCR is placed on an image and used as a CAPTCHA. This is possible because most OCR programs alert you when a word cannot be read correctly.
graphics/mapserver-7.0.2 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
System for developing web-based GIS applications
MapServer is a system for developing web-based GIS applications. The basic system consists of a CGI program that can be configured to respond to a variety of spatial requests like making maps, scalebars, and point, area and feature queries. Virtually all aspects of an application, from web interface to map appearance can be developed without any programming. For the more ambitious user, MapServer applications can be enhanced using Java, JavaScript or many other web technologies.
mail/Email-Find-0.10 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
This is a module for finding a subset of RFC 822 email addresses in arbitrary text. The addresses it finds are not guaranteed to exist or even actually be email addresses at all, but they will be valid RFC 822 syntax. Email::Find will perform some heuristics to avoid some of the more obvious red herrings and false addresses, but there's only so much which can be done without a human. -Anton <tobez@FreeBSD.org>
security/aescrypt-0.7 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
Command-line AES encryption/decryption suite
From the aescrypt README.html: This is a program for encrypting/decrypting streams of data using Rijndael and Cipher Block Feedback mode (CFB-128). ... 5. This program was deliberately kept extremely simple. It is not intended to be a full encryption solution, it is intended to be used within scripts as part of a complete solution. Keychain management, public key signatures, etc. are all expected to be done external to this program.
x11/lumina-1.0.0.r.p1 (Score: 3.5686872E-4)
Lumina Desktop Environment
The Lumina Desktop Environment is a lightweight system interface that is designed for use on any Unix-like operating system. It takes a plugin-based approach, allowing the entire interface to be assembled or arranged by each individual user as desired, with a system-wide default layout which can be customized by the system administrator. This allows every system (or user session) to be designed to maximize the individual user's productivity.
archivers/zlib- (Score: 3.5466245E-4)
Compression and decompression in the gzip and zlib formats
This package provides a pure interface for compressing and decompressing streams of data represented as lazy ByteStrings. It uses the zlib C library so it has high performance. It supports the "zlib", "gzip" and "raw" compression formats. It provides a convenient high level API suitable for most tasks and for the few cases where more control is needed it provides access to the full zlib feature set.