Ports 搜索

databases/powerarchitect-1.0.7 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Data modeling and profiling tool
[ excerpt from developer's www site ] The Power*Architect is a user-friendly data modeling tool created by data warehouse designers, and has many unique features geared specifically for the data warehouse architect. It allows users to reverse-engineer existing databases, perform data profiling on source databases, and auto-generate ETL metadata. Plus, the Power*Architect has the ability to take snapshots of database structures, allowing users to design DW data models while working offline.
databases/rocksdb-4.6.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Persistent key-value store for fast storage environments
RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage. RocksDB can also be the foundation for a client-server database but our current focus is on embedded workloads. RocksDB builds on LevelDB to be scalable to run on servers with many CPU cores, to efficiently use fast storage, to support IO-bound, in-memory and write-once workloads, and to be flexible to allow for innovation.
databases/adodb-5.20.6 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Database library for PHP
ADOdb stands for Active Data Objects Data Base. ADOdb is a database abstraction library for PHP. The PHP version currently supports an amazing number of databases, thanks to the wonderful ADOdb community: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Firebird, Informix, Oracle, MS SQL, Foxpro, Access, ADO, Sybase, FrontBase, DB2, SAP DB, SQLite, Netezza, LDAP, and generic ODBC, ODBTP. The Sybase, Informix, FrontBase and PostgreSQL, Netezza, LDAP, ODBTP drivers are community contributions.
databases/dm-rails-1.2.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Integrate DataMapper with Rails 3
This gem provides the railtie that allows datamapper to hook into rails3 and thus behave like a rails framework component. Just like activerecord does in rails, dm-rails uses the railtie API to hook into rails. The two are actually hooked into rails almost identically. Creating new datamapper apps on rails3 from scratch is actually really easy. The following will guide you through the process.
databases/sqldeveloper- (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Graphical tool for database development
Oracle SQL Developer is a free graphical tool for database development. With SQL Developer, you can browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, and edit and debug PL/SQL statements. You can also run any number of provided reports, as well as create and save your own. SQL Developer enhances productivity and simplifies your database development tasks. SQL Developer can connect to any Oracle Database version >= and MySQL database version >= 3.0.
databases/unixODBC-2.3.4 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
ODBC library suite for Unix
From the web site: What is the unixODBC Project? The unixODBC Project goals are to develop and promote unixODBC to be the definitive standard for ODBC on the Linux platform. What is ODBC? ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources. Data Sources include SQL Servers and any Data Source with an ODBC Driver.
deskutils/ganttproject-2.7.1 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Gantt chart based project scheduling and management tool
GanttProject is a free and easy to use Gantt chart based project scheduling and management tool. With GanttProject you can: * Create work breakdown structure, draw dependencies, define milestones. * Assign human resources to work on tasks, see their allocation on the Resource Load chart. * Generate PERT chart from Gantt chart. * Save charts as PNG images, generate PDF and HTML reports. * Import projects from and export them to Microsoft Project formats. * Export to spreadsheets with CSV. * Share projects with your colleagues using WebDAV.
deskutils/genius-1.0.21 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Arbitrary precision calculator for Gnome Desktop Environment
Genius Calculator is a precision calculator for Gnome Desktop Environment. Features of Genius: * arbitrary precision integers (2-36), multiple precision floats * uses rationals when possible * will calculate and show half calculated expressions if the calculation could not be completed * variables * user functions * variable and function references with C like syntax * anonymous functions * it will add missing parenthesis on the ends of expressions (only in the GUI version) * matrix support * complex numbers * more ...
deskutils/logjam-4.6.2 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
GTK2 interface to livejournals, ie www.livejournal.com
"LiveJournal.com... because you like to think other people care." LogJam is a GTK2 client for the LiveJournal API. It sits unobtrusively in the corner of your screen, waiting for you to have something worthwhile to tell the world. It can read your current music from XMMS, spellcheck with gtkspell, and offers preview capabilities using gtkhtml3. It will interface with any site running LiveJournal, not just www.livejournal.com, and can create offline copies of your journal.
deskutils/taskw-1.1.0 (Score: 4.532845E-5)
Python bindings for your taskwarrior database
This is a python API for the taskwarrior command line tool. It contains two implementations: taskw.TaskWarriorShellout and taskw.TaskWarriorDirect. The first implementation is the supported one recommended by the upstream taskwarrior core project. It uses the task export and task import commands to manipulate the task database. The second implementation opens the task db file itself and directly manipulates it. It exists for backwards compatibility, but should only be used when necessary.