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Results 1,3411,350 of 19,819 for %22HTTP Server%22.(0.008 seconds)
www/mod_auth_pgsql-2.0.3 (Score: 0.008318509)
Allows users to use PostgreSQL databases for user authentication
This add-on module allows the apache web server to use a PostgreSQL database for user and/or group authentication. For large user lists this can offer a significate speed up over apache's standard flat file format.
www/sitecopy-0.16.6 (Score: 0.008318509)
Maintains remote websites, uses FTP or WebDAV to sync up w/ local copy
sitecopy is for copying locally stored websites to remote web servers. The program will upload files to the server which have changed locally, and delete files from the server which have been removed locally, to keep the remote site synchronized with the local site, with a single command. The aim is to remove the hassle of uploading and deleting individual files using an FTP client. sitecopy will also optionally try to spot files you move locally, and move them remotely. sitecopy is designed to not care about what is actually on the remote server - it simply keeps a record of what it THINKS is in on the remote server, and works from that. WebDAV can be used to maintain remote sites as well as FTP.
x11-wm/xcompmgr-1.1.7 (Score: 0.008318509)
Sample X compositing manager
This package contains the sample X Compositing Manager, which uses the Composite, Damage, Fixes, and Render extensions to create shadows around windows, translucent windows and menus, and fading effects, when run on a capable X Server.
www/WWW-RobotRules-Parser-0.04001 (Score: 0.008277274)
Just Parse robots.txt
as described in http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/norobots.html.
devel/hastache-0.6.1 (Score: 0.008266272)
Haskell implementation of Mustache templates
Haskell implementation of Mustache templates [1]. [1] http://mustache.github.com/
audio/Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD-1.120990 (Score: 0.008262379)
Automate launching of fake mdp for testing purposes
Test::Corpus::Audio::MPD will try to launch a new mpd server for testing purposes. This mpd server will then be used during POE::Component::Client::MPD or Audio::MPD tests. In order to achieve this, the module will create a fake mpd.conf file with the correct pathes (ie, where you untarred the modulE tarball). It will then check if some mpd server is already running, and stop it if the MPD_TEST_OVERRIDE environment variable is true (die otherwise). Last it will run the test mpd with its newly created configuration file.
games/lmpc-3.4.4 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Tools to manipulate some FPS games demo recordings
LMPC is a tool to manipulate games recordings (demos). Supported games are DOOM, DOOM II, Heretic, Hexen, Strife (LMP files), Duke Nukem 3D, Redneck Rampage (DMO files), Quake (DEM), QuakeWorld (QWD), Quake II (DM2, client recorded, server recorded, relay files), and Quake III Arena (DM3 files, or dm_68 more precisely). It also includes DEM file cutter tool (DEMcut), DEM text file analyser (DEMA), demo broadcasting server (DBS), and DM2 file concatenator (DM2cat).
mail/bsfilter-1.0.19 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Bayesian spam filter written in Ruby
bsfilter is a spam filter using Bayesian(statistical) algorithm. - a filter which distinguishes spam and non-spam mail - support mails written in English and Japanese language - written in Ruby - support 3 methods for access -- traditional Unix-style filter. study and judge local files or pipe -- IMAP. study and judge mails in an IMAP server. IMAP over SSL supported -- POP proxy. run between POP server and MUA. POP over SSL supported - distributed under GPL
mail/Mail-Spool-0.50 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Pure Perl implementation of mail spooling, unspooling, and sending
Mail::Spool is a "pure perl" implementation of mail spooling, unspooling and sending. It is intended to be used with daemons such as Net::Server::SMTP (to be released soon), but it also contains its own daemon (based off of Net::Server::Fork) that can be used if necessary. It is also intended to be used as a quick spooling mechanism for perl scripts. As it can write straight to the queue without opening another process.
mail/Mail-Verify-0.02 (Score: 0.0082535725)
Perl module to verify email addresses
Mail::Verify provides a function CheckAddress function for verifying email addresses. First the syntax of the email address is checked, then it verifies that there is at least one valid MX server accepting email for the domain. Using the Net::DNS module and the IO::Socket module a list of MX records (or, falling back on a hosts A record) are checked to make sure at least one SMTP server is accepting connections.