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Results 12,74112,750 of 17,754 for %E6%8E%A7%E5%88%B6%E5%8F%B0.(0.01 seconds)
math/Date-Handler-1.2 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Perl module for calculating time differences
Date::Handler is a container for dates that holds all the methods to transform itself from Timezone to Timezone and format itself. It uses operator overloading and Delta date objects to calculates time differences.
math/Math-Algebra-Symbols-1.27 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Symbolic Algebra in Pure Perl
This package supplies a set of functions and operators to manipulate operator expressions algebraically using the familiar Perl syntax. These expressions are constructed from "Symbols", "Operators", and "Functions", and processed via "Methods". For examples, see: "Examples".
math/Math-BigInt-1.999722 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Arbitrary size integer math perl package
Math::BigInt - Arbitrary size integer math package for perl. This is a complete rewrite of Math::BigInt, Math::BigFloat and friends, which are included with the standard system perl.
math/Math-GMPf-0.41 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Perl interface to the GMP library floating point (mpf) functions
Math::GMPf is a bigfloat module utilising the GNU MP (GMP) library. Basically this module simply wraps all of the mpf floating point functions provided by that library. See the Math::GMPf test suite for some examples of usage.
math/Math-GMPz-0.43 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Perl interface to the GMP library integer (mpz) functions
Math::GMPz is a bignum module utilising the GNU MP (GMP) library. Basically this module simply wraps all of the mpz integer functions provided by that library. See the Math::GMPz test suite for some examples of usage.
math/Math-Geometry-Planar-GPC-1.04 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Perl wrapper for Alan Murta's gpc library
This module is just a wrapper around the gpc C library written by Alan Murta gpc: General Polygon Clipping library (C) 1997-1999, Advanced Interfaces Group, University of Manchester. Please refer to the gpc manual for more details on gpc.
math/Math-Pari-2.01080800 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
PARI - numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations
This package is a Perl interface to famous library PARI for numerical/scientific/number-theoretic calculations. It allows use of most PARI functions as Perl functions, and (almost) seamless merging of PARI and Perl data.
Turn off Math::Symbolic simplification
This module offers facilities to turn off the builtin Math::Symbolic simplification routines and replace them with routines that just clone the objects. You may want to do this in cases where the simplification routines fail to simplify the Math::Symbolic trees and waste a lot of CPU time. (For example, calculating the first order Taylor polynomial of a moderately complex test function was sped up by 100% on my machine.) A word of caution, however: If you turn off the simplification routines, some procedures may produce very, very large trees. One such procedure would be the consecutive application of many derivatives to a product without intermediate simplification. This would yield exponential growth of nodes. (And may, in fact, still do if you keep the simplification heuristics turned on because most expressions cannot be simplified significantly.)
Statistical distributions
This module offers easy access to formulas for a few often-used distributions. For that, it uses the Math::Symbolic module which gives the user an opportunity to manufacture distributions to his liking. The module can be used in two styles: It has a procedural interface which is demonstrated in the first half of the synopsis. But it also features a wholly different interface: It can modify the Math::Symbolic parser so that you can use the distributions right inside strings that will be parsed as Math::Symbolic trees. This is demonstrated for very simple cases in the second half of the synopsis. All arguments in both interface styles are optional. Whichever expression is used instead of, for examle 'mean', is plugged into the formula for the distribution as a Math::Symbolic tree. Details on argument handling are explained below. Please see the section on Export for details on how to choose the interface style you want to use.
math/Number-WithError-1.01 (Score: 6.4754924E-5)
Numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
This class is a container class for numbers with a number of associated symmetric and asymmetric errors. It overloads practically all common arithmetic operations and trigonometric functions to propagate the errors. It can do proper scientific rounding (as explained in more detail below in the documentation of the significant_digit() method). You can use Math::BigFloat objects as the internal representation of numbers in order to support arbitrary precision calculations. Errors are propagated using Gaussian error propagation. With a notable exception, the test suite covers way over ninety percent of the code. The remaining holes are mostly difficult-to-test corner cases and sanity tests. The comparison routines are the exception for which there will be more extensive tests in a future release.