Ports 搜索

devel/libsysinfo-0.0.2 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
GNU libc's sysinfo port for FreeBSD
The sysinfo(3) function is a GNU interface for retrieving common information about the configuration and state of the system, such as is returned by sysctl(3) and sysconf(3).
devel/subversion-1.9.4 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Subversion 是一个版本控制系统,其设计得尽可能地类似于 cvs(1),但解决了很多 cvs(1) 未解决的问题。
devel/subversion-1.8.16 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Version control system
Subversion is a version control system designed to be as similar to cvs(1) as possible, while fixing many outstanding problems with cvs(1).
dns/curvedns-0.88.b (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Forwarder adding DNSCurve to an authoritative nameserver
CurveDNS is a forwarding nameserver adding DNSCurve to DNS, and it's the first publicly released forwarding implementation that implements the DNSCurve protocol.
dns/dnsdbck-1.00 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Verify consistency of DNS information in an SQL database
dnsdbck verifies consistency of DNS information in an SQL database. It is part of dnstools, a set of utilities for DNS management and related tasks.
dns/AnyEvent-CacheDNS-0.08 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Simple DNS resolver with caching
AnyEvent::CacheDNS provides a very simple DNS resolver that caches its results and can improve the connection times to remote hosts.
dns/Net-DNS-Match-0.05 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Test domains against another list of FQDNs
Net::DNS::Match is a Perl extension for testing domains against another list of domains (similar to Net::Patricia but for FQDNs).
dns/Net-Bonjour-0.96 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Module for DNS service discovery
This is Net::Bonjour, a set of perl modules to utilize DNS for service discovery. This method of service discovery is branded as Bonjour by Apple Computer.
dns/Net-DNSBL-MultiDaemon-0.39 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon - multi DNSBL prioritization
Net::DNSBL::MultiDaemon is the Perl module that implements the multi_dnsbl daemon. multi_dnsbl is a DNS emulator daemon that increases the efficacy of DNSBL look-ups in a mail system. multi_dnsbl may be used as a stand-alone DNSBL or as a plug-in for a standard BIND 9 installation. multi_dnsbl shares a common configuration file format with the Mail::SpamCannibal sc_BLcheck.pl script so that DNSBL's can be maintained in a common configuration file for an entire mail installation. Because DNSBL usefulness is dependent on the nature and source of spam sent to a specific site and because sometimes DNSBL's may provide intermittant service, multi_dnsbl interrogates them sorted in the order of greatest successful hits. DNSBL's that do not respond within the configured timeout period are not interrogated at all after 6 consecutive failures, and thereafter will be retried not more often than once every hour until they come back online. This eliminates the need to place DNSBL's in a particular order in your MTA's config file or periodically monitor the DNSBL statistics and/or update the MTA config file.
dns/POE-Filter-DNS-TCP-0.04 (Score: 1.869263E-4)
POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
POE::Filter::DNS::TCP is a POE::Filter for parsing and generating DNS messages received from or transmitted (respectively) over TCP as per RFC 1035.