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Results 2,6912,700 of 8,048 for /www/.(0.004 seconds)
net/URI-Template-0.22 (Score: 0.0179683)
Object for handling URI templates
URI::Template - Object for handling URI templates This is an initial attempt to provide a wrapper around URI templates as described at: http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-gregorio-uritemplate-00.txt
net/Net_DIME-1.0.2 (Score: 0.0179683)
The PEAR::Net_DIME class implements DIME encoding
This is the initial independent release of the Net_DIME package. Provides an implementation of DIME as defined at http://www1.ietf.org/mail-archive/ietf-announce-old/Current/msg19298.html
net/gntp-0.8 (Score: 0.0179683)
Growl Notification Transport Protocol for Python
Python library for working with the `Growl Notification Transport Protocol ( http://www.growlforwindows.com/gfw/help/gntp.aspx ) It should work as a dropin replacement for the older Python bindings.
net/xmlrpc- (Score: 0.0179683)
Fast implementation of the xmlrpc spec for Python
A very fast implementation of the xmlrpc spec for Python (written in C). It supports both blocking and non-blocking clients and servers on Windows and POSIX platforms. Version 0.8.1 is 100% compliant with the www.xmlrpc.com validator.
science/gnudatalanguage-0.9.6.v2 (Score: 0.0179683)
GDL, a free IDL compatible incremental compiler
GDL - GNU Data Language - is a free IDL (Interactive Data Language) compatible incremental compiler (i.e. runs IDL programs). IDL is a registered trademark of Research Systems Inc. (see: <http://www.rsinc.com/>)
science/Chemistry-File-PDB-0.23 (Score: 0.0179683)
Perl module to read and write PDB files
p5-Chemistry-File-PDB reads and writes PDB files. The PDB file format is commonly used to describe proteins, particularly those stored in the Protein Data Bank(<http://www.rcsb.org/pdb/>).
security/Authen-TypeKey-0.05 (Score: 0.0179683)
TypeKey authentication verification
Authen::TypeKey is an implementation of verification for signatures generated by TypeKey authentication. For information on the TypeKey protocol and using TypeKey in other applications, see http://www.sixapart.com/typekey/api.
security/snortsnarf-1.0 (Score: 0.0179683)
Generate HTML report summaries from snort incident alerts
This program creates a set of HTML pages to allow you to quickly and conveniently navigate around output files of the Snort intrusion detection system (http://www.snort.org/). The reports summarize the incidents logged in the snort alert file.
sysutils/mogilefs-0.9.2 (Score: 0.0179683)
PHP client library to communicate with the MogileFS storage
PHP MogileFS is a client library to communicate with MogileFS trackers. Those trackers are part of the distributed filesystem MogileFS created by Danga Interactive (http://www.danga.com/) and used in serveral large scale projects like LiveJournal.
sysutils/apcups-0.2.1 (Score: 0.0179683)
Plasma applet to monitor the status of APC UPS
A KDE Plasma applet that monitors uninterruptible power supplies controlled by apcupsd <http://www.apcupsd.com/>. It can connect to any UPS (or more precisely: any apcupsd daemon) which is reachable over the network.