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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第19,14119,150项(搜索用时0.012秒)
textproc/XML-SAXDriver-Excel-0.06 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Perl SAX driver for converting Excel files to XML
SAXDriver for converting Excel files to XML.
textproc/XML-SimpleObject-LibXML-0.60 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Simple(r) object representation of an XML::LibXML DOM object
This is a short and simple class allowing simple object access to a parsed XML::LibXML tree, with methods for fetching children and attributes in as clean a manner as possible. My apologies for further polluting the XML:: space; this is a small and quick module, with easy and compact usage.
textproc/XML-Validator-Schema-1.10 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Perl module for validating XML documents against a W3C XML Schema
This module allows you to validate XML documents against a W3C XML Schema. This module does not implement the full W3C XML Schema recommendation, but a useful subset. See the SCHEMA SUPPORT section in the module documention.
textproc/YAML-Tiny-Color-0.04 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Perl extension to dump YAML with color
This module dumps your data structure as YAML with color using ANSI escape sequences. To change the colors, see %theme in source code.
textproc/YAPE-Regex-Explain-4.01 (Score: 7.739885E-4)
Explanation of a Regular Expression
This module merely sub-classes YAPE::Regex, and produces a rather verbose explanation of a regex, suitable for demonstration and tutorial purposes.
PEAR class for writing Microsoft Excel files
PEAR class for generating Excel spreadsheets. It was born as a port of the Spreadsheet::WriteExcel Perl module to PHP. It allows writing of Excel spreadsheets without the need for COM objects. It supports formulas, images (BMP) and all kinds of formatting for text and cells. It currently supports the BIFF5 format (Excel 5.0), so functionality appeared in the latest Excel versions is not yet available.
DataSource driver using RSS files
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using RSS files.
DataSource driver using XML files
This is a DataSource driver for Structures_DataGrid using XML files.
Renderer driver that generates a CSV string
This is a Renderer driver for Structures_DataGrid that generates a CSV string.
Renderer driver that generates a XLS string
This is a Renderer driver for Structures_DataGrid that generates a XLS string.