Ports 搜索

textproc/Marpa-HTML-0.112 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
High-level HTML Parser
Marpa::HTML does "high-level" parsing of HTML. It allows handlers to be specified for elements, terminals and other components in the hierarchical structure of an HTML document. Marpa::HTML is an extremely liberal HTML parser. Marpa::HTML does not reject any documents, no mater how poorly they fit the HTML standards.
textproc/Sphinx-Manager-0.06 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Sphinx search engine management (start/stop)
Sphinx::Manager provides utilities to start, stop, restart, and reload the Sphinx search engine binary (searchd), and to run the Sphinx indexer program. The utilities are designed to handle abnormal conditions, such as PID files not being present when expected, and so should be robust in most situations.
textproc/String-Flogger-1.101243 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
String munging for loggers
String::Flogger::flog() args are mostly just like sprintf arguments, but non-strings (like references, objects, and undef) are converted to JSON, and we can defer evaluation of bits of the message so that it won't be evaluated unless needed.
textproc/Text-Ngrams-2.003 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Perl5 modules for Flexible Ngram analysis
Text::Ngrams - Flexible Ngram analysis (for characters, words, and more) This module implement text n-gram analysis, supporting several types of analysis, including character and word n-grams. The module can be used from the command line through the script ngrams.pl provided with the package.
Perl extension of TT2 Variable Method Clone for Text::Xslate
Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2Like exports Template-Toolkit variable methods into Text::Xslate namespace, such that you can use them on your variables. The only difference between this module and Text::Xslate::Bridge::TT2 is that Bridge::TT2 uses Template::Toolkit underneath, while this module is independent of Template::Toolkit and therefore does not require TT to be installed.
textproc/XML-XPath-1.37 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Modules for parsing and evaluating XPath statements
This module aims to comply exactly to the XPath specification at http://www.w3.org/TR/xpath and yet allow extensions to be added in the form of functions. Modules such as XSLT and XPointer may need to do this as they support functionality beyond XPath.
textproc/XML_DTD-0.5.2 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Parsing of DTD files and DTD validation of XML files
PEAR::XML_DTD parsing of DTD files and DTD validation of XML files. The XML validation is done with the php sax parser, the xml extension, it does not use the domxml extension. Currently supports most of the current XML spec, including entities, elements and attributes. Some uncommon parts of the spec may still be unsupported.
textproc/ppower4-0.9.4 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Post processor for PDF presentations made with (La)TeX
PPower4 is used to post process presentations in PDF format which were prepared using (La)TeX to add dynamic effects. The PDF files can be created with pdf(la)tex, v(la)tex or with standard LaTeX and then converted to PDF with dvipdfm.
textproc/sdcv-0.4.2 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Text-based utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's format
SDCV(StarDict under Console Version) is simple, cross-platform text-based utility for work with dictionaries in StarDict's format. The word from "list of words" may be string with leading '/' for using Fuzzy search algorithm, string may contain '?' and '*' for using regexp search. It work in interactive and not interactive mode.
www/dtse-1.3 (Score: 9.1232825E-5)
Indexing search engine for use on small websites
Douglas Thrift's Search Engine is an indexing search engine for use on small websites such as personal or small business sites. It is designed to be very similar to Google for end users and its output is customizable. For indexing, it supports both the Robots Exclusion Protocol and the Robots META Tag as specified at http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/exclusion.html.