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net-mgmt/ipv6mon-1.0 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Tool for monitoring IPv6 address usage
ipv6mon is a tool meant for monitoring IPv6 address usage on a local network. It is meant to be particularly useful in networks that employ IPv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (as opposed to DHCPv6), where address assignment is decentralized and there is no central server that records which IPv6 addresses have been assigned to which nodes during which period of time.
net-mgmt/libsmi-0.4.8 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Library to access SMI MIB information
The purpose of libsmi is to give network management applications a concise programmer-friendly interface to access MIB module information, separate the knowledge on SMI from the main parts of management applications, allow to add new kinds of MIB repositories without the need to adapt applications that make use of libsmi. There are also simple tools to handle MIBs included.
net-mgmt/adcli-0.8.1 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Tool for performing actions on an Active Directory domain
adcli is a command line tool that can perform actions in an Active Directory domain: . "join" a computer (not necessarily the current one) into AD-domain . output information about the domain -- in human- and computer-readable form . create user- and group-accounts in the domain . delete and reset accounts
Cacti templates for MySQL, Apache, Memcached, and more by Percona
The Percona Monitoring Plugins are high-quality components to add enterprise-grade MySQL capabilities to your existing in-house, on-premises monitoring solutions. The components are designed to integrate seamlessly with widely deployed solutions such as Nagios and Cacti, and are delivered in the form of templates, plugins, and scripts. The project was also known as mysql-cacti-templates and better-cacti-templates.
net-mgmt/resource-agents-3.9.7 (Score: 0.0034885632)
OCF Compliant Resource Agents
These resource agents are used by two cluster resource management implementations: - Pacemaker - rgmanager More information about OCF resource agents is available in the OCF Resource Agent Developer's guide, in the doc/dev-guides subdirectory.
net-mgmt/rotorouter-1.0 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Traceroute attempt logger and result spoofer
A program for faking the standard Unix UDP-based traceroute.
net-mgmt/sendip-2.5 (Score: 0.0034885632)
SendIP is a commandline tool to allow sending arbitrary IP packets
SendIP has a large number of command line options to specify the content of every header of a RIP, TCP, UDP, ICMP or raw IPv4 and IPv6 packet. It also allows any data to be added to the packet. Checksums can be calculated automatically, but if you wish to send out wrong checksums, that is supported too.
net-mgmt/SNMP_Session-1.13 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Perl5 module providing rudimentary access to SNMPv1 and v2 agents
This archive contains Perl 5 modules SNMP_Session.pm and BER.pm, which, when used together, provide rudimentary access to remote SNMP (v1 and v2) agents. This module differs from existing SNMP packages in that it is completely stand-alone, i.e. you don't need to have another SNMP package such as CMU SNMP. It is also written entirely in Perl, so you don't have to compile any C modules. It uses the Perl 5 Socket.pm module and should therefore be very portable, even to non-Unix systems. The SNMP operations currently supported are "get", "get-next", "get-bulk" and "set", as well as trap generation and reception.
net-p2p/ctcs-1.4.1 (Score: 0.0034885632)
CTorrent monitoring and managing interface
CTorrent Control Server (CTCS) is an interface for monitoring and managing Enhanced CTorrent clients. It can manage allocation of bandwidth, provide status information, and allow changes to the running configuration of each client. Communication with CTorrent is via a TCP connection, and the user interface is a web browser.
net-p2p/ed2k-1.4 (Score: 0.0034885632)
Calculates 'eMule' hashes or producing ed2k:// file links
This tool takes files and calculates the final 'eEmule' hashes for then. It also spits out the complete ed2k:// link in the end. Note: This hashes differ from 'eDonkey/mldonkey' hashes when the size of a files is a mutiple of 9728000 Bytes.