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共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第2,3012,310项(搜索用时0.007秒)
www/WebService-Pushover-1.0.0 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Interface to Pushover API
This module provides a Perl wrapper around the Pushover ( http://pushover.net ) RESTful API. You'll need to register with Pushover to obtain an API token for yourself and for your application before you'll be able to do anything with this module.
www/eventum-2.2 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Eventum issue tracking system
Eventum is a user-friendly and flexible issue tracking system that can be used by a support department to track incoming technical support requests, or by a software development team to quickly organize tasks and bugs. Wiki: http://eventum.mysql.org/wiki
x11-toolkits/tktray-1.3.9 (Score: 0.0038018618)
System tray icon support
Tktray is an extension that is able to create system tray icons. It follows http://www.freedesktop.org specifications when looking up the system tray manager. This protocol is supported by modern versions of KDE and Gnome panels, and by some other panel-like application.
x11-toolkits/Gnome2-1.046 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Allows a perl developer to use the Gnome libraries
The Gnome2 module allows a perl developer to use the Gnome libraries. Find out more about Gnome+ at http://www.gnome.org/. The perl bindings follow the C API very closely, and the C reference documentation should be considered the canonical source.
x11/gnome-menus-3.13.3 (Score: 0.0038018618)
Implementation of the FreeDesktop Desktop Menu Spec
This package is free software and is part of the GNOME project. The package contains an implementation of the draft "Desktop Menu Specification" from freedesktop.org: http://www.freedesktop.org/Standards/menu-spec Also contained here are the GNOME menu layout configuration files, .directory files and assorted menu related utility programs. -- gnome-menus README
graphics/jpeg-8 (Score: 0.0037778453)
IJG's jpeg compression utilities
The Independent JPEG Group's JPEG software ========================================== This distribution contains the eighth public release of the Independent JPEG Group's free JPEG software. You are welcome to redistribute this software and to use it for any purpose, subject to the conditions under LEGAL ISSUES, below. This software is the work of Tom Lane, Guido Vollbeding, Philip Gladstone, Bill Allombert, Jim Boucher, Lee Crocker, Bob Friesenhahn, Ben Jackson, Julian Minguillon, Luis Ortiz, George Phillips, Davide Rossi, Ge' Weijers, and other members of the Independent JPEG Group. IJG is not affiliated with the official ISO JPEG standards committee. Includes EXIF patches from: http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=106060 http://sylvana.net/jpegcrop/exifpatch.html
sysutils/monit-5.19.0 (Score: 0.0037778453)
Unix system management and proactive monitoring
Monit is a utility for managing and monitoring processes, files, directories, devices and network services on a Unix system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations. monit supports: * Daemon mode - poll services at a specified interval * Group and manage groups of services, service dependencies * Logging - syslog or own logfile * Alert, start, stop and restart of services based on it's characteristics * MD5 and SHA1 checksums * Runtime Unix socket and TCP/IP port checking (TCP and UDP) * Process status, timeout, memory and cpu usage, etc. * Device usage monitoring (inodes and space) * File monitoring (timestamp, checksum, permission, owner, etc.) * Directory monitoring (timestamp, permission, owner, etc.) * Remote network services monitoring (ping, response time, protocol, etc.) * System load average monitoring * Flexible and customizable email alert messages and notifications * Protocol verification such as HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, NTP, etc. * A HTTP interface with XML output option and many more features :)
textproc/ibus-kmfl-1.0.3 (Score: 0.0037778453)
KMFL IMEngine for IBus framework
This is the KMFL IMEngine for IBus (Intelligent Input Bus) framework. It allows you to use layouts written in KMN keyboard language through standard IBus interface, through KMFL compiler (textproc/kmflcomp) and KMFL library (textproc/libkmfl). KMFL aims to bring Tavultesoft Keyman functionality to *nix operating systems. KMFL is being jointly developed by SIL International (http://www.sil.org) and Tavultesoft (http://www.tavultesoft.com). The powerful KMN keyboard language supports contextual deadkeys, pre- and post-processing of keystrokes, rules grouping, 'storing' of character classes for use in similar rules, custom and Unicode character constants, SIL Ethnologue language codes, etc. Official Tavultesoft repository contains keyboards that cover more than 220 languages. Significant number of them are open source. The keyboard ports are textproc/kmfl-*.
textproc/kmflcomp-0.9.9 (Score: 0.0037778453)
Compiler of Keyman KMFL keyboard sources to use with SCIM/IBus
KMFL aims to bring Tavultesoft Keyman functionality to *nix operating systems. KMFL is being jointly developed by SIL International (http://www.sil.org) and Tavultesoft (http://www.tavultesoft.com). This is compiler for keyboard sources written in Keyman keyboard language (.kmn files). Resulting binaries (.kmfl) can be used with SCIM KMFL IMEngine (textproc/scim-kmfl-imengine). The powerful KMN keyboard language supports contextual deadkeys, pre- and post-processing of keystrokes, rules grouping, 'storing' of character classes for use in similar rules, custom and Unicode character constants, SIL Ethnologue language codes, etc. Official Tavultesoft repository contains keyboards that cover more than 220 languages. Significant number of them are open source. Ported keyboards are textproc/scim-kmfl-*.
www/gaeutilities-1.4 (Score: 0.0037778453)
Utility classes to make working with Google App Engine easier
gaeutilities is a collection of classes to aid in development on Google Appengine. The stable version includes the following classes: Session: An http session class to preserve identity across http requests. It uses both BigTable and Memcache for performance and reliability. It also includes middleware to plug in with django. Cache: A BigTable and Memcache caching class. Any object that can be pickled can be stored in cache. Event: A subscribe/fire event system that gives developers the ability to set callback functions. Flash: A cookie based messaging library. Using json, data structures can be stored as a cookie in the browser and retrieved on the next request. Useful for messages such as "Thank you for logging in."