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Results 661670 of 18,669 for descr.zh_CN%3A%E9%81%8F%E5%88%B6%E5%9E%83%E5%9C%BE.(0.044 seconds)
audio/thunar-media-tags-plugin-0.2.1 (Score: 0.007357163)
Media tags plugin
The Thunar Media Tags Plugin (thunar-media-tags-plugin) adds special features for media files to the Thunar File Manager. Currently, these are: * a so-called bulk renamer, which allows users to rename multiple audio files at once, based on their tags (e.g. ID3 or OGG/Vorbis), * a special media file page for the file properties dialog, which displays detailed information about quality, length etc., * and finally, an audio tag editor which is reachable from both, renamer and the properties page.
databases/DBIx-Browse-2.09 (Score: 0.007357163)
DBIx::Browse - Perl extension to browse tables
The purpose of DBIx::Browse is to handle the browsing of relational tables. DBIx::Browse transparently translates SELECTs, UPDATEs, DELETEs and INSERTs from the desired "human view" to the values needed for the ta- ble. This is the case when you have related tables (1 to n) where the detail table has a reference (FOREIGN KEY) to a generic table (i.e. Customers and Bills) with some index (tipically an integer). Philip M. Gollucci <philip@p6m7g8.com>
devel/blaze-builder- (Score: 0.007357163)
Efficient buffered output
This library provides an abstraction of buffered output of byte streams and several convenience functions to exploit it. For example, it allows to efficiently serialize Haskell values to lazy bytestrings with a large average chunk size. The large average chunk size allows to make good use of cache prefetching in later processing steps (e.g. compression) and reduces the sytem call overhead when writing the resulting lazy bytestring to a file or sending it over the network.
devel/Module-CheckDeps-0.08 (Score: 0.007357163)
Very simple dependencies checker for Perl code
Module::CheckDeps parses Perl code searching for used modules. It can either return a list of all the modules used by some code, or a list of the used modules that are not available in the host system (e.g. not installed modules). Compared to similar modules, such as Module::ScanDeps, Module::CheckDeps is simpler and less powerful, but also much faster. https://github.com/AlexBio/Module-CheckDeps
graphics/sxiv-1.3.2 (Score: 0.007357163)
Lightweight image viewer
Simple X Image Viewer sxiv is a light image viewer which as a few features : - Basic image operations, e.g. zooming, panning, rotating - Customizable key and mouse button mappings (in config.h) - Thumbnail mode: grid of selectable previews of all images - Ability to cache thumbnails for fast re-loading - Basic support for multi-frame images - Load all frames from GIF files and play GIF animations - Display image information in status bar
lang/gscheme-0.6 (Score: 0.007357163)
GNUstep-aware scheme interpreter
A GNUstep-aware scheme interpreter. You need libflex installed on your system. Includes many examples, e.g. the sieve of Erathostenes to compute primes, a Koch curve plotter, mandelbrot set, graphs of various functions etc. GScheme is fully tail recursive. The garbage collector bypasses GNUstep's retain/release mechanism in order to deal with circular data structures. GScheme is document-based and you can edit more than one file at the same time. LICENSE: GPL2 or later
mail/Mail-SPF-2.9.0 (Score: 0.007357163)
Object-oriented implementation of Sender Policy Framework
Mail::SPF is an object-oriented Perl implementation of the Sender Policy Framework (SPF) e-mail sender authentication system. This release of Mail::SPF fully conforms to RFC 4408 and passes the 2006.11 release of the official test-suite <http://www.openspf.org/Test_Suite>. The Mail::SPF source package includes the following additional tools: - spfquery: A command-line tool for performing SPF checks. - spfd: A daemon for services that perform SPF checks frequently.
textproc/lttoolbox-3.3.2 (Score: 0.007357163)
Tool for lexical, morphological analysis and generation of words
lttoolbox is a toolbox for lexical processing, morphological analysis and generation of words. The analysis is the process of splitting of words splitting a word (e.g. cats) into its lemma 'cat' and the grammatical information <n><pl>. The generation is the opposite process. The package is split into three programs, lt-comp, the compiler, lt-proc, the processor, and lt-expand, which generates all possible mappings between surface forms and lexical forms in the dictionary.
www/WWW-Search-2.516 (Score: 0.007357163)
Perl5 module for WWW searches
This class is the parent for all access method supported by the WWW::Search library. This library implements a Perl API to web-based search engines. Current search engines supported include AltaVista (both web and news), Dejanews, Excite (web only), HotBot (web only), Infoseek (e-mail, web, and news) and Lycos. Search results are limited and there is a pause between each request for results to avoid overloading either the client or the server.
www/retawq-0.2.6.c (Score: 0.007357163)
Interactive, multi-threaded web browser for text terminals
retawq is an interactive, multi-threaded network client ("web browser") for text terminals on computers with Unix-like operating systems (Linux, BSD, Solaris, ...). It is fast, small, nicely configurable, and comfortable; e.g. the low-level communications are performed in a non-blocking way, and you can keep open as many "virtual windows" as you want and work simultaneously in two of them in a split-screen mode.