Ports 搜索

共有19,819项符合%22HTTP Server%22的查询结果,以下是第921930项(搜索用时0.007秒)
games/ioquake3-1.36 (Score: 0.015543634)
Ioquake3 dedicated server
multimedia/plexmediaserver- (Score: 0.015543634)
Plex Media Server component
math/Math-RandomOrg-0.04 (Score: 0.015501197)
Retrieve random numbers and data from random.org
Math::RandomOrg provides functions for retrieving random data from the random.org server. Data may be retrieved in an integer or byte-stream format using the randnum and randbyte functions respectively. http://random.org
comms/Horde_SyncMl-2.0.7 (Score: 0.0153986355)
Horde API for processing SyncML requests
This package provides classes for implementing a SyncML server.
www/yesod-bin- (Score: 0.0153986355)
Yesod helper executable
Provides scaffolding, devel server, and some simple code generation helpers.
ftp/phpwebftp-3.3b (Score: 0.0153381135)
Set of PHP-scripts to manage FTP over the web
phpWebFTP offers a way of connecting to you FTP server, even when you are behind a firewall or proxy not allowing traffic to FTP servers. This is very common in business networks. phpWebFTP overcomes this issue by making a FTP connection from your webserver to your FTP server and transfering the files from this web server to your webclient over the standard http protocol. phpWebFTP is free software and the source is available under GNU license.
net/ntlmaps- (Score: 0.0153381135)
Proxy that authenticates the user using the NTLM protocol
NTLM Authorization Proxy Server (APS) is a proxy software that allows you to authenticate via an MS Proxy Server using the proprietary NTLM protocol. Since version 0.9.5 APS has an ability to behave as a standalone proxy server and authenticate http clients at web servers using NTLM method. It can change arbitrary values in your client's request header so that those requests will look like they were created by MS IE.
mail/bincimap-1.2.13 (Score: 0.015312583)
Light-weight IMAP server for Maildir
Binc IMAP is a GPL licensed IMAP4rev1 server for Maildir, written in C++. It strives to be stable, fast, flexible, and RFC compliant. For those familiar with qmail-pop3d, this IMAP server will be the natural choice. It is invoked similarly and uses checkpassword to authenticate.
multimedia/dtv-0.50 (Score: 0.015312583)
Client/server based TV capture/display program
This is the distribution of "dtv", a program which interfaces with tv-capture and audio cards and can generate a capture file and/or operate in a client/server environment. It consists of a single program, dtv, which can act as both client and server.
www/LWP-Protocol-PSGI-0.07 (Score: 0.015177982)
Perl extension to override LWP HTTP/HTTPS backend with your PSGI app
LWP::Protocol::PSGI is a module to hijack any code that uses LWP::UserAgent underneath such that any HTTP or HTTPS requests can be routed to your own PSGI application.