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Results 2130 of 5,886 for /net-im/.(0.009 seconds)
net/Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.73 (Score: 0.09158613)
Net::SFTP::Foreign - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
Net::SFTP::Foreign - Secure File Transfer Protocol client
chinese/fcitx-configtool-0.4.8 (Score: 0.08919445)
Fcitx IM framework configuration tool
Fcitx is a flexible input method framework. It comes with a script, fcitx-configtool, which looks for this configure tool and invokes it.
net/Net-Nmsg-0.15 (Score: 0.08881855)
Net::Nmsg is a perl binding to libnmsg
Net::Nmsg is a perl binding to libnmsg, the reference implementation of the NMSG binary structured message interchange format. The NMSG documentation describes the format as: The NMSG format is an efficient encoding of typed, structured data into payloads which are packed into containers which can be transmitted over the network or stored to disk. Each payload is associated with a specific message schema. Modules implementing a certain message schema along with functionality to convert between binary and presentation formats can be loaded at runtime by libnmsg. nmsgtool provides a command line interface to control the transmission, storage, creation, and conversion of NMSG payloads.
net-im/Net-XMPP-1.05 (Score: 0.088069215)
Net::XMPP provides Perl Developer access to the XMPP protocol
The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an IETF standard that provides a complete cross protocol messaging solution. The problem with current IM solutions is that they are all proprietary and cannot talk to each other. XMPP seeks to get rid of those barriers. Net::XMPP is a collection of Perl modules that provide a Perl Developer access to the XMPP protocol. Using OOP modules we provide a clean interface to writing anything from a full client to a simple protocol tester.
net/Net-Google-DataAPI-0.28.01 (Score: 0.08734615)
Base implementations for modules to negotiate with Google Data APIs
Net::Google::DataAPI is base implementations for modules to negotiate with Google Data APIs.
net/Net-LDAP-Makepath-1.0.1 (Score: 0.08734615)
Provides a method for creating paths in LDAP simply
Net::LDAP::Makepath - Provides a methode for creating paths in LDAP simply.
net/Net-SNPP-1.17 (Score: 0.08592704)
Net::SNPP - Perl Simple Network Pager Protocol Client
This module implements a client interface to the SNPP protocol, enabling a perl5 application to talk to SNPP servers. The SNPP protocol is described in RFC1861.
net/Net-SMPP-1.19 (Score: 0.08592704)
Net::SMPP - pure Perl implementation of SMPP 3.4 over TCP
Implements Short Message Peer to Peer protocol, which is frequently used to pass short messages between mobile operators implementing short message service (SMS). This is applicable to both european GSM and american CDMA/TDMA systems.
net/Phone-Info-0.0.1 (Score: 0.08498086)
Provides a nicer CLI interface to Net::WhitePages
Phone::Info provides a nicer CLI interface to Net::WhitePages.
net/Net-3.08 (Score: 0.08437279)
Perl5 modules to access and use network protocols
libnet is a collection of Perl modules which provides a simple and consistent programming interface (API) to the client side of various protocols used in the internet community. For details of each protocol please refer to the RFC. RFC's can be found a various places on the WEB, for a starting point look at: http://www.yahoo.com/Computers_and_Internet/Standards/RFCs/ The RFC implemented in this distribution are Net::FTP RFC959 File Transfer Protocol Net::SMTP RFC821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Net::Time RFC867 Daytime Protocol Net::Time RFC868 Time Protocol Net::NNTP RFC977 Network News Transfer Protocol Net::POP3 RFC1939 Post Office Protocol 3