Ports 搜索

Creates a bar for path manipulation
Provides a dialog for getting values to use with chmod.
x11-wm/amiwm-0.21.pl2 (Score: 0.02184527)
Window manager that makes your desktop look like an Amiga(TM)
Amiga and Workbench are registered trademarks of Amiga Technologies GMBH. This is a port of amiwm, a window manager to make your desktop look like an Amiga(TM).
x11-wm/ctwm-3.8.2 (Score: 0.02184527)
Extension to twm, with support for multiple virtual screens, etc
CTWM is an extension to twm, that support multiple virtual screens, and a lot of other goodies. You can use and manage up to 32 virtual screens called workspaces. You swap from one workspace to another by clicking on a button in an optionnal panel of buttons (the workspace manager) or by invoking a function. You can custom each workspace by choosing different colors, names and pixmaps for the buttons and background root windows. Main features are : - Optional 3D window titles and border (ala Motif). - Shaped, colored icons. - Multiple icons for clients based on the icon name. - Windows can belong to several workspaces. - A map of your workspaces to move quickly windows between different workspaces. - Animations : icons, root backgrounds and buttons can be animated. - Pinnable and sticky menus. - etc...
x11/evilvte-0.5.2.p1 (Score: 0.02184527)
VTE based, super lightweight terminal emulator
evilvte is a terminal emulator. It supports almost everything VTE provides. It also supports tabs, tabbar autohide, and switch encoding at runtime. Configuration is via editing source code and recompilation.
x11/X11-Resolution-0.0.0 (Score: 0.02184527)
Provides a method to get the resolution for a X11 screen
X11::Resolution provides a method to easily get the resolution of screens in X11.
x11/roxbg-1.0.0 (Score: 0.02184527)
Tool for setting the background in rox using a simple command
Makes it easy to set the background in rox instead of having to having to muck around with the XML API it uses. -f fill the screen with the image -s scale the image with out stretching it -c center image and do not scale -t tile the image default: -s
x11/x3270-3.3.15 (Score: 0.02184527)
3270 Terminal emulator
3270 terminal emulator under X.
x11/rsibreak-0.11 (Score: 0.02184527)
KDE RSI prevention tool
Repetitive Strain Injury is an illness which can occur as a result of working with a mouse and keyboard. This utility can be used to remind you to take a break now and then. It will show you a random picture from a collection you can configure yourself for a configurable duration at a configurable interval. You can use these breaks to do some stretch exercises for example, or as a reminder to walk away from the computer for a while. RSIBreak will sit in your system tray and when it is time for a break it will show you the picture full screen. All timings can be set by clicking with the right mouse button on the icon in the system tray.
chinese/qterm-0.5.12 (Score: 0.020938322)
QTerm 是一个为 BSD/Linux 开发的 BBS 客户端
QTerm 是一个 X Windows System 下的 BBS 客户端。其目标是做成一个 类似在 MS Windows 下的 Fterm 和 CTerm 的客户端。 特性: 1.鼠标支持 2.复制和粘贴 3.文章下载 4.地址簿 5.防止闲置 6.在 GB 和 BIG5 之间转换 - Yuan, Jue <yuanjue@yuanjue.net>
chinese/telnet-1.0 (Score: 0.019398313)
支持中文输入的兼容8位的 telnet 客户端
描述: 在8位环境下使用 /usr/bin/telnet ,例如,台湾的大五码中文环境。 为了能输入汉字,需要使用“-8”或“-L”参数,但是,使用这些参数会引起了另外一个问题。 指定“-8”或“-L”导致当 telnet 到 SunOS 时 ^U 或 ^C 或 ^D 或 ……(any isprint(c))发生故障。 如何重现: /usr/bin/telnet -8 ms1.hinet.net (ms1.hinet.net running Solaris) login: abcde^U (or just press Enter) => the terminal state goes wrong, "reset" is needed to go back to "normal state" 修正: 应用了下面的补丁: gopher://freebsd.csie.nctu.edu.tw/00%2f3%2fA0002063 这使得 telnet “纯8位”,可以输入8位的数据(汉字)而不需要指定“-8或-L”选项,并且 telne 到 SunOS 没有问题。 参见: