Ports 搜索

devel/Module-Manifest-1.08 (Score: 0.001002281)
Parse and examine a Perl distribution MANIFEST file
Module::Manifest is a simple utility module created originally for use in Module::Inspector. It allows you to load the MANIFEST file that comes in a Perl distribution tarball, examine the contents, and perform some simple tasks. Granted, the functionality needed to do this is quite simple, but the Perl distribution MANIFEST specification contains a couple of little idiosyncracies, such as line comments and space-separated inline comments.
devel/devel-replay-1.0.4 (Score: 0.001002281)
Program that helps you fix a build interactively
Best program ever. This program is a wrapper, it will exec whatever arguments it's given and if the program returns a non-zero exit status or terminates abnormally it will prompt the user to run the program again. It's best used when debugging a large build like so: make CC="replay cc" Then if cc bombs you don't have to restart make, you can just fix your source file and resume your build.
devel/hashie-3.4.4 (Score: 0.001002281)
Hashie is a simple collection of useful Hash extensions
Hashie is available as a RubyGem which extend Hashes and make them more useful. - Hashie::Mash: gives simple pseudo-object functionality that can be built from hashes and easily extended - Hashie::Dash: has a discrete set of defined properties and only those properties may be set on the hash. - Hashie::Trash: a Dash that allows you to translate keys on initialization. - Hashie::Clash: allows you to easily construct complex hashes using method notation chaining.
devel/hashie-2.1.2 (Score: 0.001002281)
Hashie is a simple collection of useful Hash extensions
Hashie is available as a RubyGem which extend Hashes and make them more useful. * Hashie::Mash: gives simple pseudo-object functionality that can be built from hashes and easily extended * Hashie::Dash: has a discrete set of defined properties and only those properties may be set on the hash. * Hashie::Trash: a Dash that allows you to translate keys on initialization. * Hashie::Clash: allows you to easily construct complex hashes using method notation chaining.
devel/svn_load_dirs-1.8.4 (Score: 0.001002281)
一个 Perl 脚本用来加载目录到 Subversion 版本库
这个 Perl 脚本是设计用来加载很多目录到 Subversion 的。这在你有许多 zip 或 tar.{Z,gz,bz2} 文件包要加载到 Subversion 时很有用。 这个脚本是 Subversion 分发包的一部分,并且大家认为它可以和 subversion 本身使用相同的授权来使用。
games/stonesoup-0.18.1 (Score: 0.001002281)
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup - a fun, free rogue-like game
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a fun, free rogue-like game of exploration and treasure-hunting in dungeons filled with dangerous and unfriendly monsters in a quest for the mystifyingly fabulous Orb of Zot. Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup is a variant of Linley's Dungeon Crawl that's openly developed and invites participation from the Crawl community. This port comes with two interfaces: games/stonesoup - the traditional tty interfaced games/stonesoup-sdl - the fancy SDL interface
games/Games-Alak-0.19 (Score: 0.001002281)
Simple game-tree implementation of a gomoku-like game
This module implements a simple game-tree system for the computer to play against the user in a game of Alak. You can just play the game for fun; or you can use this module as a starting point for understanding game trees (and implementing smarter strategy -- the module's current logic is fairly simple-minded), particularly after reading my Perl Journal #18 article on trees, which discusses this module's implementation of game trees as an example of general tree-shaped data structures.
graphics/jagged-border-0.2009.11.12 (Score: 0.001002281)
GIMP script to create a jagged border around an image
[ edited excerpt from www site ] GIMP plugin that creates a white (or black) border around an image that merges in with the image so that on a larger white (or black) background, the image appears to have a ragged border. This is similar to the GIMP's Fuzzy Border, but it adapts its jaggedness to the image. (Also unlike Fuzzy Border, it is deterministic, it does not depend on random number seeds.) The plugin can be found under "Filters > theilr > jagged Border"
mail/poppy-4.01 (Score: 0.001002281)
Client to perform simple tasks with a POP3/IMAP server
Poppy is a small perl script that allows you to perform simple tasks on a POP3 or IMAP server. It is of most use in a "limited resources environment" whether thats low disk space, slow internet connection, or no graphical environment. Poppy will individually show the mail headers along with the message's size of each message on the mail server and then allow you to read, delete, reply, or perform other tasks on that message.
math/Set-Partition-0.03 (Score: 0.001002281)
Enumerate all arrangements of a set in fixed subsets
Set::Partition takes a list or hash of elements and a list numbers that represent the sizes of the partitions into which the list of elements should be arranged. The resulting object can then be used as an iterator which returns a reference to an array of lists, that represents the original list arranged according to the given partitioning. All possible arrangements are returned, and the object returns undef when the entire combination space has been exhausted.