Ports 搜索

devel/numba-0.28.1 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Optimizing compiler for Python using LLVM
Numba gives you the power to speed up your applications with high performance functions written directly in Python. With a few annotations, array-oriented and math-heavy Python code can be just-in-time compiled to native machine instructions, similar in performance to C, C++ and Fortran, without having to switch languages or Python interpreters.
devel/pyface-5.1.0 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Enthought traits-capable windowing framework
The pyface project contains a toolkit-independent GUI abstraction layer, which is used to support the "visualization" features of the Traits package. Thus, you can write code in terms of the Traits API (views, items, editors, etc.), and let pyface and your selected toolkit and back-end take care of the details of displaying them. The following GUI backends are supported: * wxPython * PyQt * PySide
devel/serpent-1.13 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval
Serpent is a simple serialization library based on ast.literal_eval. Because it only serializes literals and recreates the objects using ast.literal_eval(), the serialized data is safe to transport to other machines (over the network for instance) and de-serialize it there.
devel/Shapely-1.5.17 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Python Package for Manipulation 2D Geospatial Geometry
Shapely is a Python package for manipulation and analysis of 2D geospatial geometries. It is based on GEOS (http://geos.refractions.net). Shapely 1.0 is not concerned with data formats or coordinate reference systems. Responsibility for reading and writing data and projecting coordinates is left to other packages like WorldMill and pyproj.
devel/svk-2.2.3 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
svk 是一个用 Perl 写成的分散的版本控制系统。 它使用 subversion 文件系统但是提供了额外的功能: - 离线操作,比如checkin、log、merge。 - 分布式分支。 - 轻量级的工作复本管理(没有 .svn 目录)。 - 高级的合并算法,如 star-merge 和 cherry picking。
devel/pure-ffi-0.14 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Pure language interface to libffi
This module provides an interface to libffi which enables you to call C functions from Pure and vice versa. It extends and complements Pure's built-in C interface in that it also handles C structs and makes Pure functions callable from C without writing a single line of C code.
devel/BytecodeAssembler-0.6 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Generate Python code objects by "assembling" bytecode
py-BytecodeAssembler is a simple bytecode assembler module that handles most low-level bytecode generation details like jump offsets, stack size tracking, line number table generation, constant and variable name index tracking, etc. That way, you can focus your attention on the desired semantics of your bytecode instead of on these mechanical issues.
devel/cog-2.3 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Code Generator for any language
Cog transforms files in a very simple way: it finds chunks of Python code embedded in them, executes the Python code, and inserts its output back into the original file. The file can contain whatever text you like around the Python code. It will usually be source code.
devel/fastimport-0.9.2 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Fastimport parser in Python
This is the Python parser that was originally developed for bzr-fastimport, but extracted so it can be used by other projects. It is currently used by bzr-fastimport and dulwich. hg-fastimport and git-remote-hg use a slightly modified version of it.
devel/geotypes-0.7.0 (Score: 5.180394E-5)
Python Interface to Support PostGIS
GeoTypes is a Python library that implements both the OpenGIS/PostGIS and standard PostgreSQL geometry types. It integrates with the psycopg Python/PostgreSQL interface. It provides implementations of all of the OpenGIS/PostGIS classes, except (x,y,m) and (x,y,z,m). It currently supports the EWKB, HEXEWKB, WKB, and WKT formats.