Ports 搜索

net/Net_Whois-1.0.5 (Score: 0.07322077)
Tool to query internet domain name services
The PEAR::Net_Whois looks up records in the databases maintained by several Network Information Centers (NICs).
net/Net_LDAP-1.1.5 (Score: 0.07313069)
OO interface for searching and manipulating LDAP-entries
Net Ldap is a clone of Perls Net::LDAP object interface to ldapservers. It does not contain all of Net::LDAPs features, but has: * A simple OO-interface to connections, searches and entries. * Support for tls and ldap v3. * Simple modification, deletion and creation of ldapentries. * Support for schema handling.
net/Net-uFTP-0.161 (Score: 0.07290918)
Universal interface for FTP-like modules (FTP, SFTP, SCP)
NET::uFTP is a Perl5 module providing a universal interface for FTP-like modules (FTP, SFTP, SCP), in most cases Net::FTP compatible.
net/Net-SPDY-0.1.5 (Score: 0.07290918)
SPDY protocol client and server implementation
Net::SPDY distribution contains implementation of SPDY protocol. You probably want to use Net::SPDY::Session to implement SPDY clients and servers.
net/Net-APNS-0.0202 (Score: 0.07230038)
Perl extension for Apple Push Notification Service
Net::APNS is Apple Push Notification Service. Push message to iPhone and get unavalble-devicetoken.
net/Net-Finger-1.06 (Score: 0.07230038)
Perl implementation of a finger client
Net::Finger is a simple, straightforward implementation of a finger client in Perl.
net/Net-Delicious-1.1.4 (Score: 0.07230038)
OOP for managing posts on del.icio.us
Net::Delicious provides an object oriented interface for managing your posts on http://del.icio.us.
net/Net-Growl-0.99 (Score: 0.07230038)
Growl Notifications over the network
Net::Growl provieds simple interface to send Mac OS X Growl notifications across the network.
net/Net-GitHub-0.83 (Score: 0.07230038)
Perl interface to github.com
Net::GitHub - Perl Interface for github.com http://github.com is a popular git host.
net/Net-ParseWhois-0.70 (Score: 0.07230038)
Extendable perl5 module for parsing whois information
Based on Net::Whois, Net::ParseWhois was written with the intent to provide a replacement for the (broken) Net::Whois module. It is otherwise different to Net::Whois in that it a) is easily extendable b) has a work-around approach rather than wanting/expecting/wishing registrars to standardize their output.