Ports 搜索

devel/Horde_View-2.0.6 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Horde View API
The Horde_View library provides a simple View pattern implementation.
devel/Pirum-1.1.5 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Simple PEAR channel server manager
Pirum is a simple PEAR channel server manager.
devel/FinderFacade-1.1.0 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Convenience wrapper for Symfony's Finder component
FinderFacade is a convenience wrapper for Symfony's Finder component.
devel/ConsoleTools-1.6.1 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Set of classes to do different actions with the console
A set of classes to do different actions with the console (also called shell). It can render a progress bar, tables and a status bar and contains a class for parsing command line options.
devel/geojson-1.3.3 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Python's Encoder/decoder for simple GIS features
A reference implementation of the PythonGeoInterface and the GeoJSON draft.
devel/ciphon-0.4.0 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Module for python that adds cpan-like functionality
A module for python that adds cpan-like functionality
devel/Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI-4.1.3 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Product for dynamic views in CMF
CMFDynamicViewFTI is a product for dynamic views in CMF.
devel/Products.CMFFormController-3.0.6 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Form validation mechanism for Zope CMF
CMFFormController provides a form validation mechanism for CMF.
devel/gearman-2.0.2 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Gearman Library for Python
py-gearman is a pure Python Gearman library.
devel/backports_abc-0.4 (Score: 1.2950985E-4)
Backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' module
A backport of recent additions to the 'collections.abc' module.