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共有17,660项符合descr%3A%22spam filter%22的查询结果,以下是第1,6011,610项(搜索用时0.008秒)
editors/beav-1.40.18 (Score: 0.0017549398)
Binary Editor And Viewer, a full featured binary file editor
beav (Binary Editor And Viewer) is an editor for binary files containing arbitrary data. With beav, you can edit a file in HEX, ASCII, EBCDIC, OCTAL, DECIMAL, and BINARY. You can display but not edit data in FLOAT mode. You can search or search and replace in any of these modes. Data can be displayed in BYTE, WORD, or DOUBLE WORD formats. While displaying WORDS or DOUBLE WORDS the data can be displayed in INTEL's or MOTOROLA's byte ordering. Data of any length can be inserted at any point in the file. The source of this data can be the keyboard, another buffer, or a file. Any data that is being displayed can be sent to a printer in the displayed format. Files that are bigger than memory can be handled.
net/POE-Component-Generic-0.14.03 (Score: 0.0017549398)
Provides non-blocking access to a blocking object
POE::Component::Generic is a POE component that provides a non-blocking wrapper around any object. It works by forking a child process with POE::Wheel::Run and creating the object in the child process. Method calls are then serialised and sent via STDIN to the child to be handled. Return values are posted back to your session via STDOUT. This means that all method arguments and return values must survive serialisation. If you need to pass coderefs, use "callbacks", "postbacks" or "factories". Method calls are wrapped in eval in the child process so that errors may be propagated back to your session. See "OUTPUT". Output to STDERR in the child, that is from your object, is shown only if debug or verbose is set. STDOUT in the child, that is from your object, is redirected to STDERR and will be shown in the same circomstances.
security/chkrootkit-0.50 (Score: 0.0017549398)
Tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit
Chkrootkit is a tool to locally check for signs of a rootkit. ------------------------------------------------------------- It contains: * chkrootkit: a shell script that checks system binaries for rootkit modification. * ifpromisc.c: checks if the network interface is in promiscuous mode. * chklastlog.c: checks for lastlog deletions. * chkwtmp.c: checks for wtmp deletions. * check_wtmpx.c: checks for wtmpx deletions. (Solaris only) * chkproc.c: checks for signs of LKM trojans. * chkdirs.c: checks for signs of LKM trojans. * strings.c: quick and dirty strings replacement. * chkutmp.c: checks for utmp deletions. For an updated list of rootkits, worms and LKMs detected by chkrootkit please visit: http://www.chkrootkit.org/ Nelson Murilo <nelson@pangeia.com.br> Klaus Steding-Jessen <jessen@nic.br>
devel/File-MMagic-XS-0.09008 (Score: 0.0017529106)
Guess File Type With XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
This is a port of Apache2 mod_mime_magic.c in Perl, written in XS with the aim of being efficient and fast especially for applications that need to be run for an extended amount of time. There is a compatibility layer for File::MMagic. you can specify :compat when importing the module use File::MMagic::XS qw(:compat); And then the following methods are going to be available from File::MMagic::XS: checktype_filename checktype_filehandle checktype_contents addMagicEntry Currently this software is in beta. If you have suggestions/recommendations about the interface or anything else, now is your chance to send them!
devel/HTML_TreeMenu-1.2.2 (Score: 0.0017529106)
Provides an API to create a HTML tree
PHP Based API creates a tree structure using a couple of small PHP classes. This can then be converted to javascript using the printMenu() method. The tree is dynamic in IE 4 or higher, NN6/Mozilla and Opera 7, and maintains state (the collapsed/expanded status of the branches) by using cookies. Other browsers display the tree fully expanded. Each node can have an optional link and icon. New API in 1.1 with many changes (see CVS for changelog) and new features, of which most came from Chip Chapin (http://www.chipchapin.com).
sysutils/ldapvi-1.7 (Score: 0.0017529106)
Tool to update LDAP entries with a text editor
ldapvi is tool to update LDAP entries with a text editor. It is: - Written in C; - Reasonably fast and small. The ldapvi client needs about as much time for receiving entries as the OpenLDAP server needs to send them, which should be fast enough; - Shows a summary of changes before committing them. Details of the changes can be previewed in LDIF format; - Uses an LDIF-like format in the editor (which should be easier to use interactively than standard LDIF); - Can rename entries; - Does not give up easily. On error, you can edit the file again, or rebind to the server and try again.
sysutils/massadmin-2.3 (Score: 0.0017529106)
Send system commands to a group of remote servers simultaneously
This program is used to send multiple system commands to a group of UNIX-like remote servers simultaneously using concurrent processes. Supported protocols: FTP, SFTP, TELNET, SSH and SCP. With telnet and ssh all system command are supported provided that they are not interactive. Its main usage is to send repetitive sysadmin tasks to a group of servers but you can also use it for automatic ftp or scp backup and much more. Commands are exactly those you type on your terminal. It also allow you to use 'su -' to execute your commands under the TELNET and SSH protocols.
www/ftasv-0.9.2 (Score: 0.0017529106)
Is a commandline scoreboard viewer for the Apache server
Apache's status module is an easy way to get information about what your webserver is doing - at any time, except when you need that information. Because this information is normally gathered via the server-status page, it will be unavailable when the webserver is not responding. The system administrator can restart the daemon and hope to get a glimpse of the server-status page, a tiny clue about what is causing the trouble, before the server gets overloaded again. This project aims at helping the system administrator get his information in crisis situations.
www/snap-core- (Score: 0.0017529106)
Snap: A Haskell Web Framework (core interfaces and types)
Snap is a simple and fast web development framework and server written in Haskell. This library contains the core definitions and types for the Snap framework, including: 1. Primitive types and functions for HTTP (requests, responses, cookies, post/query parameters, etc). 2. Type aliases and helper functions for Iteratee I/O. 3. A monad for programming web handlers called "Snap", inspired by happstack's, which allows: - Stateful access to the HTTP request and response objects. - Monadic failure (i.e. MonadPlus/Alternative instances) for declining to handle requests and chaining handlers together. - Early termination of the computation if you know early what you want to return and want to prevent further monadic processing.
x11-wm/awesome2-2.3.6 (Score: 0.0017529106)
Tiling window manager initially based on a dwm code rewriting
awesome is a tiling window manager initially based on a dwm code rewriting. It's extremely fast, small, dynamic and awesome. Windows can be managed in several layouts: tiled and floating. Each layout can be applied on the fly, optimizing the environment for the application in use and the task performed. Managing windows in tiled mode assures that no space will be waste on your screen. No gaps, no overlap. This port contains the older and somewhat static 2.x branch of the awesome window manager. If you prefer the latest stable version, try the x11-wm/awesome port.