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Results 971980 of 8,048 for www%3Atrac.(0.003 seconds)
www/Apache-Htgroup-1.23 (Score: 0.020137845)
Manage Apache authentication group files
Manage Apache htgroup files. Please note that this is not a mod_perl module. Please also note that there is another module that does similar things (HTTPD::UserManage) and that this is a more simplistic module, not doing all the things that one does.
www/CGI-Application-Plugin-JSON-1.02 (Score: 0.020137845)
Easy manipulation of JSON headers for CGI::Application
Easy manipulation of JSON headers for CGI::Application
Make tamper-resistent links in CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::LinkIntegrity - Make tamper-resisistent links in CGI::Application.
Plugin that adds Log::Dispatch support to CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::LogDispatch adds logging support to your CGI::Application modules by providing a Log::Dispatch dispatcher object that is accessible from anywhere in the application.
Message stack for your CGI::Application
The forward method passes control to another run mode and returns its output. This is equivalent to calling $self->$other_runmode, except that CGI::Application's internal value of the current run mode is updated.
Easy external redirects in CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::Redirect Easy external redirects in CGI::Application.
Plugin that adds session support to CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::Session seamlessly adds session support to your CGI::Application modules by providing a CGI::Session object that is accessible from anywhere in the application.
Plugin that adds file streaming support to CGI::Application
This plugin provides a way to stream a file back to the user. This is useful if you are creating a PDF or Spreadsheet document dynamically to deliver to the user. The file is read and printed in small chunks to keep memory consumption down. This plugin is a consumer, as in your runmode shouldn't try to do any output or anything afterwards. This plugin affects the HTTP response headers, so anything you do afterwards will probably not work. If you pass along a filehandle, we'll make sure to close it for you. It's recommended that you increment $| (or set it to 1), which will autoflush the buffer as your application is streaming out the file.
www/CGI-Application-Plugin-TT-1.05 (Score: 0.020137845)
Add Template Toolkit support to CGI::Application
CGI::Application::Plugin::TT adds support for the popular Template Toolkit engine to your CGI::Application modules by providing several helper methods that allow you to process template files from within your runmodes. It complements the support for HTML::Template that is built into CGI::Application through the load_tmpl method. It also provides a few extra features than just the ability to load a template.
www/CGI-Application-4.50 (Score: 0.020137845)
Perl module intended to make it easier to create reusable web apps
CGI::Application is a perl module intended to make it easier to create sophisticated, reusable web-based applications. This module implements a methodology which, if followed, will make your web software easier to design, easier to document, easier to write, and easier to solve.